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Datum/Zeit:04.02.2009 05:11:12

Dim Shared HTTP_PathSeperation as UByte
#If defined(__fb_linux__)
    HTTP_PathSeperation = 47
#elseIf defined(__fb_win32__)
    HTTP_PathSeperation = 92
#elseIf defined(__fb_dos__)
    HTTP_PathSeperation = 92
    #Error "Platform not supported!"

#include once "../TSNE_V3/TSNE_V3.bi"
#include once "vbcompat.bi"
#include once "file.bi"

Private Const Base64_String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
Dim Shared Base64_Rev64() As UByte

Private Sub Base64_ReverseCode(V_Code() As UByte, B_Rev() As UByte)
Dim X As UInteger
ReDim B_Rev(255) as UByte
For X = 0 To UBound(V_Code)-1
    B_Rev(V_Code(X)) = X
End Sub

Function Base64_Decode(V_Source As String) As String
Dim X as ULong
Dim D as String = V_Source
Dim B64() As Byte
ReDim B64(63) As Byte
For X = 1 to Len(Base64_String)
    B64(X-1) = Asc(Mid(Base64_String, X, 1))
Base64_ReverseCode(B64(), Base64_Rev64())
Dim Code() As Byte
ReDim Code(255) As Byte
For X = 0 to 255
    Code(X) = Base64_Rev64(X)
Dim XCNT As ULong
Dim XRest As ULong
Dim XL As ULong
Dim w1 As Integer
Dim w2 As Integer
Dim w3 As Integer
Dim w4 As Integer
Dim SourceB() As UByte
Dim Result() As UByte
XL = Len(D)
If XL = 0 Then Exit Function
XRest = XL Mod 4
If XRest > 0 Then
    D = D + String$(4 - XRest, 0)
    XL = Len(D)
End If
Redim SourceB(XL) as UByte
For X = 1 to XL
    SourceB(X-1) = Asc(Mid(D, X, 1))
ReDim Result(XL)
For X = 0 To UBound(sourceB) Step 4
    w1 = Code(SourceB(X))
    w2 = Code(SourceB(X + 1))
    w3 = Code(SourceB(X + 2))
    w4 = Code(SourceB(X + 3))
    Result(XCNT) = ((w1 * 4 + Int(w2 / 16)) And 255)
    XCNT += 1
    Result(XCNT) = ((w2 * 16 + Int(w3 / 4)) And 255)
    XCNT += 1
    Result(XCNT) = ((w3 * 64 + w4) And 255)
    XCNT += 1
ReDim Preserve Result(XCNT - 1) as UByte
D = ""
For X = 0 to UBound(Result)
    If Result(X) = 0 Then Exit For
    D += Chr(Result(X))
Return D
End Function

Dim Shared G_Server         as UInteger
Dim Shared FbCrLf           as String: FbCrLf = Chr(13, 10)
Dim Shared G_FileMutex      as Any Ptr
Dim Shared G_ConfFileTime   as Double

Dim Shared G_Port           as UShort
Dim Shared G_TimeOut        as UInteger
Dim Shared G_NoDirList      as UByte
Dim Shared G_RobotLock      as UByte
Dim Shared G_MimeFileC      as UInteger

Dim Shared G_BaseFileD()    as String
Dim Shared G_BaseFileC      as UInteger

Type Host_Type
    V_Host                  as String
    V_BasePath              as String
    V_Username              as String
    V_Password              as String
End Type
Dim Shared G_HostD()        as Host_Type
Dim Shared G_HostC          as UInteger

Type Mime_Type
    V_FileType              as String
    V_Command               as String
End Type
Dim Shared G_MimeD()        as Mime_Type
Dim Shared G_MimeC          as UInteger

Type Client_Type
    V_InUse                 as UByte
    V_TSNEID                as UInteger

    V_IPA                   as String
    V_ConTime               as Double
    V_Data                  as String

    V_MimePathIn            as String
    V_MimePathOut           as String
End Type
Dim Shared ClientD()        as Client_Type
Dim Shared ClientC          as UShort
Dim Shared ClientDC         as Client_Type
Dim Shared ClientMutex      as Any Ptr

Declare Sub TSNE_Disconnected           (ByVal V_TSNEID as UInteger)
Declare Sub TSNE_Connected              (ByVal V_TSNEID as UInteger)
Declare Sub TSNE_NewData                (ByVal V_TSNEID as UInteger, ByRef V_Data as String)
Declare Sub TSNE_NewConnection          (ByVal V_TSNEID as UInteger, ByVal V_RequestID as Socket, ByVal V_IPA as String)

Declare Function Signal cdecl lib "c" alias "signal" (byval sig as Integer, func as Any Ptr) as Integer
Declare Sub F_SignalRX cdecl()

Sub DoLog(V_Text As String)
Dim XFN as Integer = FreeFile
Open "log/" & Format(Now(), "yyyy_mm_dd") & ".log" for Append as #XFN
Print #XFN, "[" & Format(Now(), "yyyy.mm.dd-hh:mm:ss") & "] " & V_Text
Close #XFN
Print "[" & Format(Now(), "yyyy.mm.dd-hh:mm:ss") & "] " & V_Text
End Sub

Function HTTP_Get_Code_Desc(V_Code As UInteger) As String
Select Case V_Code
    Case 100: Return "Continue"
    Case 101: Return "Switching Protocols"

    Case 200: Return "OK"
    Case 201: Return "Created"
    Case 202: Return "Accepted"
    Case 203: Return "Non Authoritative Information"
    Case 204: Return "No Contend"
    Case 205: Return "Reset Contend"
    Case 206: Return "Partial Content"

    Case 300: Return "Multiple Choise"
    Case 301: Return "Moved Permanently"
    Case 302: Return "Found"
    Case 303: Return "See Other"
    Case 304: Return "Not Modified"
    Case 305: Return "Use Proxy"
    Case 307: Return "Temporary Redirect"

    Case 400: Return "Bad Request"
    Case 401: Return "Unauthorized"
    Case 402: Return "Payment Required"
    Case 403: Return "Forbidden"
    Case 404: Return "Not Found"
    Case 405: Return "Method Not Allowed"
    Case 406: Return "Not Acceptable"
    Case 407: Return "Proxy Authentcation Required"
    Case 408: Return "Request Time-out"
    Case 409: Return "Conflict"
    Case 410: Return "Gone"
    Case 411: Return "Length Required"
    Case 412: Return "Precondition Faild"
    Case 413: Return "Request Entry Too Large"
    Case 414: Return "Request URI Too Large"
    Case 415: Return "Unsupportet Media Type"
    Case 416: Return "Requested range not satisfiable"
    Case 417: Return "Exeption Faild"
    Case 490: Return "IP Banned"
    Case 491: Return "Hacking Attack Blocked"

    Case 500: Return "Internal Server Error"
    Case 501: Return "Not Implemented"
    Case 502: Return "Bad Gateway"
    Case 503: Return "Service Unavailable"
    Case 504: Return "Gateway Time-out"
    Case 505: Return "HTTP Version not supported"
    Case Else: Return "Internal Server Error"
End Select
End Function

Function MIME_Get_Type_Desc(V_FileType As String) As String
Select Case LCase(V_FileType)
    case "html", "htm", "fs", "c4s":    return "text/html"
    case "txt":                         return "text/plain"
    case "css":                         return "text/css"

    case "tar", "zip", "rar":           return "application/" & LCase(v_fileType)
    case "gtar":                        return "application/x-" & LCase(v_fileType)
    case "gz":                          return "application/gzip"
    case "doc":                         return "application/msword"
    case "bin", "exe", "com", "dll":    return "application/octet-stream"
    case "swf":                         return "application/x-shockwave-flash"

    case "mid", "midi":                 return "audio/x-midi"
    case "mp2":                         return "audio/x-mpeg"
    case "mp3", "wav", "ogg":           return "audio/x-" & LCase(v_fileType)

    case "jpg", "jpeg", "jpe":          return "image/jpeg"
    case "bmp", "gif", "png":           return "image/" & LCase(v_fileType)

    case "avi":                         return "video/x-msvideo"
    case "qt", "mov":                   return "image/quicktime"

    case else:                          Return "*/" & lcase(V_FileType)

end Select
End Function

Function HTML_HTTPCode_CreatePage(ByRef V_HTTPCode as UInteger) as String
Dim T as String
T = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transistional//EN"">" & FbCrLf
T += "<html>" & FbCrLf
T += " <head>" & FbCrLf
T += "  <Title>" & Str(V_HTTPCode) & " - " & HTTP_Get_Code_Desc(V_HTTPCode) & "</Title>" & FbCrLf
T += " </head>" & FbCrLf
T += " <body text=""#000000"" bgcolor=""#FFFFFF"">" & FbCrLf
T += "  <h1>" & Str(V_HTTPCode) & "</h1>" & FbCrLf
T += "  <hr>" & FbCrLf
T += "  <h3>" & HTTP_Get_Code_Desc(V_HTTPCode) & "</h3><hr>" & FbCrLf
T += "  <pre>" & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
Select Case V_HTTPCode
    Case 300': Return "Multiple Choise"
    Case 301
        T += " [DE] Diese Datei wurde dauerhaft verschoben." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] This file was moved permanently." & FbCrLf
    Case 302
        T += " [DE] Die Datei wurde gefunden." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] The file was found." & FbCrLf
    Case 303': Return "See Other"
    Case 304
        T += " [DE] Diese Datei wurde nicht geändert." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] This file was not modified." & FbCrLf
    Case 305': Return "Use Proxy"
    Case 307
        T += " [DE] Diese Datei wurde kurzfristig umgelenkt." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] This file was redirected temporary" & FbCrLf
    Case 400
        T += " [DE] Das Anfrage-Format von Ihrer Anwendung wurde nicht verstanden." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] The request format wasn't understood by your application." & FbCrLf
    Case 401
        T += " [DE] Sie sind nicht Berechtigt diese Datei / dieses Verzeichniss zu betrachten." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] You are not allowed to view this file / directory." & FbCrLf
    Case 402
        T += " [DE] Sie müssen bezahlen, um diese Datei herunterladen zu dürfen." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] You need to pay to download this file." & FbCrLf
    Case 403
        T += " [DE] Der Zugriff auf diese Datei / Verzeichniss ist ihnen nicht gestattet." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] The access to this file / folder is not permitted." & FbCrLf
    Case 404
        T += " [DE] Diese Datei wurde nicht gefunden. Wurde die Anfrage richtig geschrieben?" & FbCrLf
        T += "      Sollte ein Verzeichniss geoeffnet werden, muss ein '[komm]LycgYW0gZW5kZSBkZXIgVVJMIHN0ZWhlbiEiICZhbXA7IEZiQ3JMZiAmYW1wOyBGYkNyTGYKICAgICAgICBUICs9ICIgJiN4NUI7RU4mI3g1RDsgVGhlIGZpbGUgd2FzIG5vdCBmb3VuZC4gRGlkIHlvdSB0eXBlIGNvcnJlY3RseSB0aGUgcmVxdWVzdD8iICZhbXA7IEZiQ3JMZgogICAgICAgIFQgKz0gIiAgICAgIElmIHlvdSB3YW50IHRvIGFjY2VzcyBhIGRpcmVjdG9yeSB5b3UgbXVzdCB0YWtlIGEgJy8ß[/komm]' at the end of the URL!" & FbCrLf
    Case 405
        T += " [DE] Die Methode, wie sie diese Seite aufrufen, ist nicht gestattet." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] The method you're using to access this page isn't permitted." & FbCrLf
    Case 406': Return "Not Acceptable"
    Case 407': Return "Proxy Authentcation Required"
    Case 408
        T += " [DE] Die Anfrage hat ein Zeitlimit ueberschritten." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] The request exceeded a timelimit." & FbCrLf
    Case 409
        T += " [DE] Ein Konflikt ist aufgetreten." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] A conflict was raised." & FbCrLf
    Case 410': Return "Gone"
    Case 411
        T += " [DE] Um die Anfrage bearbeiten zu koennen, muss die Laenge der angehaengten Daten mitgesandt werden." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] To process your request it's need to send the length of data in the request." & FbCrLf
    Case 412': Return "Precondition Faild"
    Case 413': Return "Request Entry Too Large"
    Case 414
        T += " [DE] Die übertragene URL ist zu lang." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] The send URL was too UInteger." & FbCrLf
    Case 415
        T += " [DE] Den von ihnen gewuenschten Media Typ kann dieser Server nicht unterstuetzen." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] The media type you wish to access isn't support by this server." & FbCrLf
    Case 416': Return "Requested range not satisfiable"
    Case 417': Return "Exeption Faild"
    Case 490':  -!- KEIN OFFIZIELLER RETURN-CODE -!-
        T += " [DE] Sie haben einen boeswilligen Angriff auf dieses System durchgefuehrt. Ihre IP-Adresse wurde gespert!" & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] You did an evil attack on this Server. Your IP-Address has been banned!" & FbCrLf
    Case 491':  -!- KEIN OFFIZIELLER RETURN-CODE -!-
        T += " [DE] Das System hat Sie als potenziellen Hacker identifiziert." & FbCrLf
        T += "      Ihre IP-Adresse wurde gespeichert und fuer die Zukunft blockiert." & FbCrLf
        T += "      Sollten Sie erneut versuchen sich auf diesem System Illegal zu betaetien" & FbCrLf
        T += "      werden automatisch Passive und Aktive Verteidigungsmassnahmen ergriffen!" & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] The system classified you as a possible hacker!" & FbCrLf
        T += "      Your IP-Address has been saved and blocked for future." & FbCrLf
        T += "      In case you try apain to harm the system the system will defend itselfs" & FbCrLf
        T += "      with passive and active strategies of defence!" & FbCrLf
    Case 500
        T += " [DE] Ein Interner Server-Fehler ist aufgetreten." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] A internal servererror has ocurred." & FbCrLf
    Case 501
        T += " [DE] Diese Aktion ist im Server nicht vorhanden." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] This action is not implemented in this server." & FbCrLf
    Case 502
        T += " [DE] Der Server konnte keine Verbindung mit einer Datenquelle herstellen." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] The server couldn't connect to a source of data." & FbCrLf
    Case 503
        T += " [DE] Dieser Server ist zur Zeit nicht verfuegbar." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] This server is temporary not available." & FbCrLf
    Case 504
        T += " [DE] Bei der Kommunikation mit der Datenquelle wurde ein Zeitlimit ueberschritten." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] By the communication with our source of data occured an timelimit." & FbCrLf
    Case 505
        T += " [DE] Die von Ihrer Anwendung benutzte Version des Kommunikations-Formats wird von diesem Server nicht unterstuezt." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] The communication-format version of your application was not supportet by this server." & FbCrLf
    Case Else
        T += " [DE] Es ist ein interner Server-Fehler aufgetreten, dessen Ursprung nicht bekannt ist." & FbCrLf & FbCrLf
        T += " [EN] An internal server error has occured. The source of this error is unknown." & FbCrLf
End Select
T += "  </pre>" & FbCrLf
T += "  <hr><h6>ASIX4 - FileServer [HTTP] - (C) 2009 By.: Martin Wiemann - Admin [at] MLN [dot] ath [dot] cx</h6>" & FbCrLf
T += " </body>" & FbCrLf
T += "</html>" & FbCrLf
Return T
End Function

Function HTML_HTTPCode_ReadFolder(V_Path as String, V_Folder as String) as String
Dim DD() as String
Dim DC as UInteger
Dim FD() as String
Dim FC as UInteger
Dim N as String
Dim XAtr as Integer
N = Dir(V_Path & "*", -1, @XAtr)
Do until N = ""
    If N <> "." and N <> ".." Then
        If (XAtr and &H10) = &H10 Then
            DC += 1: Redim Preserve DD(DC) as String: DD(DC) = N & "/"
        Else: FC += 1: Redim Preserve FD(FC) as String: FD(FC) = N
        End If
    End If
    N = Dir("", -1, @XAtr)
Dim T as String
T = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transistional//EN"">" & FbCrLf
T += "<html>" & FbCrLf
T += " <head>" & FbCrLf
T += "  <Title>Folder: " & V_Folder & "</Title>" & FbCrLf
T += " </head>" & FbCrLf
T += " <body text=""#000000"" bgcolor=""#FFFFFF"", link=""#0000FF"", vlink=""#0000FF"", alink=""#0000FF"">" & FbCrLf
T += "  <pre><h3>Folder: <a href=""" & V_Folder & """>" & V_Folder & "</a></h3>" & FBCRLF
T += " <a href=""../"">[Go one folder back]</a>  -  <a href=""" & V_Folder & """>[Refresh page]</a>" & FBCRLF & FBCRLF
T += "<hr>" & FBCRLF
T += " Folder(s): " & Str(DC) & "   -   File(s): " & Str(FC) & FBCRLF & FBCRLF
T += "<hr>" & FBCRLF
If DC > 0 Then
    For X as UInteger = 1 to DC
        T += " [Folder]  <a href=""" & V_Folder & DD(X) & """>" & DD(X) & "</a>" & FBCRLF
    If FC > 0 Then T += FBCRLF & "<hr>" & FBCRLF
End If
Dim D as String
Dim XFN as UInteger
Dim Y as UByte
For X as UInteger = 1 to FC
    XFN = FreeFile
    Open V_Path & FD(X) for binary as XFN
    D = Format(Lof(XFN), "###,###,###,##0")
    Close #XFN
    For Y = 1 to Len(D)
        If D[Y - 1] = 44 then D[Y - 1] = 46
    T += " [" & Space(13 - Len(D)) & D & " Byte's] <a href=""" & V_Folder & FD(X) & """>" & FD(X) & "</a>" & FBCRLF
If (FC = 0) and (DC = 0) Then T += "  <b>= Folder is empty! =</b>" & FBCRLF
T += "  </pre>" & FbCrLf
T += "  <hr><h6>ASIX4 - HTTP FileServer - (C) 2009 By.: Martin Wiemann - Admin [at] MLN [dot] ath [dot] cx</h6>" & FbCrLf
T += " </body>" & FbCrLf
T += "</html>" & FbCrLf
Return T
End Function

Function HTTP_Create_Answer(V_ReturnCode as UInteger, V_ContentType as String = "", V_ContentLen as UInteger = 0, V_RangeStart as UInteger = 0, V_RangeStop as UInteger = 0, V_Auth as UByte = 0) as String
Dim D as String
Dim T as String
If V_ReturnCode = 200 Then
    If V_RangeStart > 0 Then
        D += "HTTP/1.1 206 " & HTTP_Get_Code_Desc(206) & FbCrLf
    Else: D += "HTTP/1.1 " & Str(V_ReturnCode) & " " & HTTP_Get_Code_Desc(V_ReturnCode) & FbCrLf
    End If
Else: D += "HTTP/1.1 " & Str(V_ReturnCode) & " " & HTTP_Get_Code_Desc(V_ReturnCode) & FbCrLf
End If
D += "Server: ASIX4 - FileServer [HTTP]" & FbCrLf
D += "Accept-Ranges: bytes" & FbCrLf
If V_ReturnCode = 200 Then
    If V_RangeStart > 0 Then
        D += "Content-Length: " & Str(V_RangeStop - V_RangeStart) & FbCrLf
        D += "Content-Range: bytes " & Str(V_RangeStart) & "-" & Str(V_RangeStop - 1) & "/" & Str(V_ContentLen) & FbCrLf
    Else: D += "Content-Length: " & Str(V_ContentLen) & FbCrLf
    End If
    D += "Content-Type: " & V_ContentType & FbCrLf
    T = HTML_HTTPCode_CreatePage(V_ReturnCode)
    D += "Content-Length: " & Str(Len(T)) & FbCrLf
    D += "Content-Type: " & MIME_Get_Type_Desc("html") & FbCrLf
End If
If V_Auth = 1 Then D += "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=""Authenticate""" & FbCrLf
D += "Connection: Close" & FbCrLf
D += FbCrLf & T
Return D
End Function

Sub Term()
DoLog "[HTTP] Disconnecting..."
Dim RV as Integer = TSNE_Disconnect(G_Server)
If RV <> TSNE_Const_NoError Then DoLog "[HTTP] [FEHLER] " & TSNE_GetGURUCode(RV)
DoLog "[HTTP] Wait disconnected..."
DoLog "[HTTP] Disconnected!"
Dim TID as UInteger
For X as UInteger = 1 to ClientC
    If ClientD(X).V_InUse = 1 Then
        TID = ClientD(X).V_TSNEID
    End IF
DoLog "[HTTP] Shutdown"
End Sub

Sub F_Signal_RX cdecl
End 0
end sub

Sub ConfigReload()
G_HostC = 0
G_MimeC = 0
G_BaseFileC = 0
Dim D as String
Dim T1 as String
Dim T2 as String
Dim T3 as String
Dim T4 as String
Dim T5 as String
Dim O as String
Dim XPos as UInteger
Dim XFN as Integer = FreeFile
Open "config.c4n" for input as #XFN
Do Until Eof(XFN)
    Line Input #XFN, D
    O = ""
    For X as UInteger = 1 to Len(D)
        Select Case D[X - 1]
            Case 9
            Case Else: O += Chr(D[X - 1])
        End Select
    If (O <> "") and Left(O, 1) <> "'" Then
        XPos = InStr(1, O, "=")
        If XPos > 0 Then
            T1 = LCase(Mid(O, 1, XPos - 1))
            T2 = Mid(O, XPos + 1)
            Select Case LCase(T1)
                Case "host"
                    XPos = InStr(1, T2, "=")
                    If XPos = 0 Then DoLog "[HTTP] [config.c4n] Syntaxfehler in: '" & O & "'": Goto HTTP_Main_Conf_NextLine
                    T3 = Mid(T2, XPos + 1)
                    T2 = Mid(T2, 1, XPos - 1)
                    T4 = "": T5 = ""
                    XPos = InStr(1, T2, "@")
                    If XPos > 0 Then
                        T4 = Left(T2, XPos - 1)
                        T2 = Mid(T2, XPos + 1)
                        XPos = InStr(1, T4, ":")
                        If XPos > 0 Then
                            T5 = Mid(T4, XPos + 1)
                            T4 = Left(T4, XPos - 1)
                        End If
                    End If
                    If (T2 = "") or (T3 = "") Then DoLog "[HTTP] [config.c4n] Syntaxfehler in: '" & O & "'": Goto HTTP_Main_Conf_NextLine
                    If Dir(T3 & "/*", -1) = "" Then
                        DoLog "[HTTP] [config.c4n] Pfad '" & T3 & "' not found for Host '" & T2 & "'!"
                    Else: DoLog "[HTTP] [config.c4n] Set host: '" & T2 & "' to BasePath: '" & T3 & "'"
                    End If
                    G_HostC += 1
                    Redim Preserve G_HostD(G_HostC) as Host_Type
                    With G_HostD(G_HostC)
                        .V_Host = T2
                        .V_BasePath = T3
                        .V_Username = LCase(T4)
                        .V_Password = T5
                    End With

                Case "mime"
                    XPos = InStr(1, T2, "=")
                    If XPos = 0 Then DoLog "[HTTP] [config.c4n] Syntaxfehler in: '" & O & "'": Goto HTTP_Main_Conf_NextLine
                    T3 = Mid(T2, XPos + 1)
                    T2 = Mid(T2, 1, XPos - 1)
                    If (T2 = "") or (T3 = "") Then DoLog "[HTTP] [config.c4n] Syntaxfehler in: '" & O & "'": Goto HTTP_Main_Conf_NextLine
                    G_MimeC += 1
                    Redim Preserve G_MimeD(G_MimeC) as Mime_Type
                    With G_MimeD(G_MimeC)
                        .V_FileType = T2
                        .V_Command = T3
                    End With

                Case "basefile"
                    If T2 = "" Then DoLog "[HTTP] [config.c4n] Syntaxfehler in: '" & O & "'": Goto HTTP_Main_Conf_NextLine
                    G_BaseFileC += 1
                    Redim Preserve G_BaseFileD(G_BaseFileC) as String
                    G_BaseFileD(G_BaseFileC) = T2

                Case "port"
                    If T2 = "" Then DoLog "[HTTP] [config.c4n] Syntaxfehler in: '" & O & "'": Goto HTTP_Main_Conf_NextLine
                    If (ValInt(T2) < 1) or (ValInt(T2) > 65535) Then DoLog "[HTTP] [config.c4n] 'Port'-Wert auserhalb des gueltigen Bereichs! '" & O & "'": End -1
                    G_Port = CSng(ValUInt(T2))

                Case "timeout"
                    If T2 = "" Then DoLog "[HTTP] [config.c4n] Syntaxfehler in: '" & O & "'": Goto HTTP_Main_Conf_NextLine
                    If (ValInt(T2) < 1) or (ValInt(T2) > 900) Then DoLog "[HTTP] [config.c4n] 'Port'-Wert auserhalb des gueltigen Bereichs! '" & O & "'": End -1
                    G_Timeout = ValUInt(T2)

                Case Else: DoLog "[HTTP] [config.c4n] Unbekannter Parameter! '" & O & "'"
            End Select
            Select Case LCase(O)
                Case "nodirlist":   G_NoDirList = 1
                Case "robotlock":   G_RobotLock = 1
                Case Else: DoLog "[HTTP] [config.c4n] Unbekannter Parameter! '" & O & "'"
            End Select
        End If
    End If
Close #XFN
If G_HostC = 0 Then DoLog "[HTTP] Keine 'Host' Werte in 'config.c4n' vorhanden!" & Chr(13, 10) & "Es ist ein folgender Eintrag noetig: Host=<Hostname>[:<Port>]=<BasisPfad> ... z.B. Host=localhost=C:\www": End -1
end sub

Sub Main()
DoLog ""
DoLog String(100, 35)
DoLog "[HTTP] Setup..."
MKDir "mime"
MKDir "log"
MKDir "cache"
G_FileMutex = MutexCreate()
ClientMutex = MutexCreate()
G_ConfFileTime = FileDateTime("config.c4n")
Dim RV as Integer
DoLog "[HTTP] Init Socket..."
    RV = TSNE_Create_Server(G_Server, G_Port, 10, @TSNE_NewConnection)
    If RV = TSNE_Const_NoError Then Exit Do
    Sleep 1000, 1
DoLog "[HTTP] OK!"
DoLog "[HTTP] Registering signals..."
For X as Integer = 1 to 9
    Signal(X, @F_Signal_RX)
DoLog "[HTTP] Running!"
Dim TTime as Double
Dim TCFTime as Double = Timer + 10
    If TCFTime < Timer Then
        TTime = FileDateTime("config.c4n")
        If G_ConfFileTime <> TTime Then
            DoLog "[HTTP]  +++ RELOAD CONFIGURATION +++"
            G_ConfFileTime = TTime
        End If
        TCFTime = Timer + 10
    End If
    Dim TID as UInteger
    For X as UInteger = 1 to ClientC
        If ClientD(X).V_InUse = 1 Then
            If ClientD(X).V_ConTime < Timer Then
                TID = ClientD(X).V_TSNEID
                DoLog "[HTTP]  [" & Space(3 - Len(Str(X))) & Str(X) & "][" & Space(15 - Len(ClientD(X).V_IPA)) & ClientD(X).V_IPA & "][408]"
                TSNE_Data_Send(TID, HTTP_Create_Answer(408))
            End If
        End IF
    Sleep 100, 1
Loop until InKey() = Chr(27)
End Sub

Sub TSNE_Disconnected(ByVal V_TSNEID as UInteger)
For X as UInteger = 1 to ClientC
    If ClientD(X).V_InUse = 1 Then
        If ClientD(X).V_TSNEID = V_TSNEID Then
            With ClientD(X)
                .V_InUse = 0
                .V_Data = ""
                If .V_MimePathIn <> "" Then Kill .V_MimePathIn: .V_MimePathIn = ""
                If .V_MimePathOut <> "" Then Kill .V_MimePathOut: .V_MimePathOut = ""
            End WIth
            MutexUnLock(ClientMutex): Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
Print "[HTTP] [ERROR] TSNEID Not found in Client-Array"
End Sub

Sub TSNE_Connected(ByVal V_TSNEID as UInteger)
For X as UInteger = 1 to ClientC
    If ClientD(X).V_InUse = 1 Then
        If ClientD(X).V_TSNEID = V_TSNEID Then
            ClientD(X).V_ConTime = Timer() + G_TimeOut
            MutexUnLock(ClientMutex): Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
Print "[HTTP] [ERROR] TSNEID Not found in Client-Array"
End Sub

Sub TSNE_NewConnection(ByVal V_TSNEID as UInteger, ByVal V_RequestID as Socket, ByVal V_IPA as String)
Dim TNewTSNEID as UInteger
Dim TReturnIPA as String
Dim CIndex as UInteger
Dim RV as Integer
For X as UInteger = 1 to ClientC
    If ClientD(X).V_InUse = 0 Then
        CIndex = X
        Exit For
    End If
If CIndex = 0 Then
    If ClientC >= 100 Then
        DoLog "[HTTP] FULL!!!   IPA:" & V_IPA
        RV = TSNE_Create_Accept(V_RequestID, TNewTSNEID, TReturnIPA, 0, 0, 0)
        If RV <> TSNE_Const_NoError Then DoLog "[HTTP] [FEHLER] " & TSNE_GetGURUCode(RV): MutexUnLock(ClientMutex): Exit Sub
        RV = TSNE_Data_Send(TNewTSNEID, HTTP_Create_Answer(503))
        If RV <> TSNE_Const_NoError Then DoLog "[HTTP] [FEHLER] " & TSNE_GetGURUCode(RV)
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ClientC += 1
    Redim Preserve ClientD(ClientC) as Client_Type
    CIndex = ClientC
End If
RV = TSNE_Create_Accept(V_RequestID, TNewTSNEID, TReturnIPA, @TSNE_Disconnected, @TSNE_Connected, @TSNE_NewData)
If RV <> TSNE_Const_NoError Then DoLog "[HTTP] [FEHLER] " & TSNE_GetGURUCode(RV): MutexUnLock(ClientMutex): Exit Sub
ClientD(CIndex) = ClientDC
With ClientD(CIndex)
    .V_InUse    = 1
    .V_IPA      = V_IPA
    .V_ConTime  = Timer() + G_TimeOut
    .V_Data     = ""
End With
'Print "[HTTP] New Connect >" & CIndex & "<   IPA:" & V_IPA
End Sub

Function Replace(ByVal V_Data As String, ByVal V_Expression As String, ByVal V_ReplaceBy As String) As String
Dim D as String = V_Data
Dim SL As UInteger = Len(V_Expression)
Dim X As UInteger = 0
    X += 1
    If X > Len(D) - SL + 1 Then Exit Do
    If Mid(D, X, SL) = V_Expression Then
        D = Mid(D, 1, X - 1) & V_ReplaceBy & Mid(D, X + SL)
        X -= (SL  - 1)
        If X < 0 then X = 0
    End If
Return D
End Function

Sub TSNE_NewData(ByVal V_TSNEID as UInteger, ByRef V_Data as String)
Dim CIndex as UInteger
Dim RV as Long
For X as UInteger = 1 to ClientC
    If ClientD(X).V_InUse = 1 Then
        If ClientD(X).V_TSNEID = V_TSNEID Then CIndex = X: Exit For
    End If
If CIndex = 0 Then MutexUnLock(ClientMutex): Print "[HTTP] [ERROR] TSNEID Not found in Client-Array": Exit Sub
Dim TData as String = ClientD(CIndex).V_Data & V_Data
ClientD(CIndex).V_Data = ""

'Hier können wir jetzt unsere Daten verarbeiten welche in TData stehen

Dim XPos as UInteger = InStr(1, TData, FBCRLF & FBCRLF)
Dim XIPA as String = ClientD(CIndex).V_IPA
If XPos = 0 Then
    ClientD(CIndex).V_Data = TData & ClientD(CIndex).V_Data
    If Len(TData) > 100000 Then
        DoLog "[HTTP]  [" & Space(3 - Len(Str(CIndex))) & Str(CIndex) & "][" & Space(15 - Len(XIPA)) & XIPA & "][414]"
        TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, HTTP_Create_Answer(414)): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID)
    End if
    Exit Sub
End If
Dim XHeader as String = Mid(TData, 1, XPos + 1)
TData = Mid(TData, XPos + 4)

'Print "Header:>" & XHeader & "<"
XPos = InStr(1, XHeader, FbCrLf)
If XPos = 0 Then
    DoLog "[HTTP]  [" & Space(3 - Len(Str(CIndex))) & Str(CIndex) & "][" & Space(15 - Len(XIPA)) & XIPA & "][400]"
    TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, HTTP_Create_Answer(400)): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
End If
Dim XRequest as String = Mid(XHeader, 1, XPos - 1)
XHeader = Mid(XHeader, XPos + 2)

Dim DD() as String
Dim DT() as String
Dim DC as UInteger
Dim T as String
Dim D as String
Dim XStart as UInteger
Dim XStop as UInteger
Dim XHost as String
Dim XAuthDo as UByte = 0
Dim XAuthUser as String
Dim XAuthPass as String
For X as UInteger = 1 to Len(XHeader)
    XPos = InStr(1, XHeader, FbCrLf)
    If XPos <= 0 Then Exit For
    D = Left(XHeader, XPos - 1)
    XHeader = Mid(XHeader, XPos + 2)
    If D <> "" Then
        XPos = InStr(1, D, ":")
        If XPos > 0 Then
            DC += 1
            Redim Preserve DD(DC) as String
            Redim Preserve DT(DC) as String
            DD(DC) = LCase(Trim(Mid(D, 1, XPos - 1)))
            DT(DC) = Trim(Mid(D, XPos + 1))
            T = DT(DC)
            Select Case DD(DC)
                Case "host": XHost = T
                Case "range"
                    XPos = InStr(1, T, "=")
                    If XPos > 0 Then
                        T = Mid(T, XPos + 1)
                        XPos = InStr(1, T, "-")
                        If XPos > 0 Then
                            XStart = Val(Left(T, XPos - 1))
                            XStop = Val(Mid(T, XPos + 1))
                        End If
                    End If
                Case "authorization"
                    T = Trim(T)
                    XPos = InStr(1, T, " ")
                    If XPos > 0 Then
                        If LCase(Trim(Left(T, XPos - 1))) = "basic" Then
                            T = Base64_Decode(Mid(T, XPos + 1))
                            XPos = InStr(1, T, ":")
                            If XPos > 0 Then
                                XAuthUser = LCase(Left(T, XPos - 1))
                                XAuthPass = Mid(T, XPos + 1)
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
            End Select
        End If
    End If
XPos = InStr(1, XRequest, " ")
If XPos = 0 Then
    DoLog "[HTTP]  [" & Space(3 - Len(Str(CIndex))) & Str(CIndex) & "][" & Space(15 - Len(XIPA)) & XIPA & "][400]"
    TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, HTTP_Create_Answer(400)): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
End If
Dim XType as String = Mid(XRequest, 1, XPos - 1)
XRequest = Mid(XRequest, XPos + 1)
Select Case UCase(XType)
    Case "HEAD", "GET"', "POST", "PUT"
    Case Else
        DoLog "[HTTP]  [" & Space(3 - Len(Str(CIndex))) & Str(CIndex) & "][" & Space(15 - Len(XIPA)) & XIPA & "][501]"
        TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, HTTP_Create_Answer(501)): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
End Select

XPos = InStr(1, XRequest, " ")
If XPos = 0 Then
    DoLog "[HTTP]  [" & Space(3 - Len(Str(CIndex))) & Str(CIndex) & "][" & Space(15 - Len(XIPA)) & XIPA & "][400]"
    TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, HTTP_Create_Answer(400)): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
End if
Dim XGet as String = Mid(XRequest, 1, XPos - 1)
If XGet = "" Then
    DoLog "[HTTP]  [" & Space(3 - Len(Str(CIndex))) & Str(CIndex) & "][" & Space(15 - Len(XIPA)) & XIPA & "][400]"
    TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, HTTP_Create_Answer(400)): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
End If
D = ""
For X as UInteger = 1 to Len(XGet)
    If Mid(XGet, X, 1) = "%" Then
        If X + 2 <= Len(XGet) Then
            D += Chr(CUInt("&H" & Mid(XGet, X + 1, 2)))
            X += 2
        End If
    ElseIf Mid(XGet, X, 1) = "+" Then
        Mid(XGet, X, 1) = " "
    Else: D += Mid(XGet, X, 1)
    End If
XGet = D
If Left(XGet, 1) <> "/" Then
    DoLog "[HTTP]  [" & Space(3 - Len(Str(CIndex))) & Str(CIndex) & "][" & Space(15 - Len(XIPA)) & XIPA & "][400]  " & XGet
    TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, HTTP_Create_Answer(400)): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
End If

Dim XGetData as String
XPos = InStr(1, XGet, "?")
If XPos > 0 Then XGetData = Mid(XGet, XPos + 1): XGet = Left(XGet, XPos - 1)

For X as UInteger = 1 to Len(XGet)
    Select Case XGet[X - 1]
        Case 32, 46 to 57, 65 to 91, 93, 95, 97 to 122, 126
        Case Else
            DoLog "[HTTP]  [" & Space(3 - Len(Str(CIndex))) & Str(CIndex) & "][" & Space(15 - Len(XIPA)) & XIPA & "][400]  " & XGet
            TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, HTTP_Create_Answer(400)): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
    End Select

If Len(XGet) > 2 Then
    For X as UInteger = 1 to Len(XGet) - 2
        If (XGet[X - 1] = 47) and (XGet[X] = 46) Then
            Select Case XGet[X + 1]
                Case 46, 47
                    DoLog "[HTTP]  [" & Space(3 - Len(Str(CIndex))) & Str(CIndex) & "][" & Space(15 - Len(XIPA)) & XIPA & "][400]  " & XGet
                    TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, HTTP_Create_Answer(400)): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
            End Select
        End If
End if

Dim TBasePath as String = ""
Dim XAuthOK as UByte
Dim THost as UByte
For X as UInteger = 1 to G_HostC
    If (G_HostD(X).V_Host = XHost) or (G_HostD(X).V_Host = "*") Then
        If G_HostD(X).V_Host = "*" Then THost = 1
        If G_HostD(X).V_Username <> "" Then
            XAuthDo = 1
            If (XAuthUser = G_HostD(X).V_Username) and (XAuthPass = G_HostD(X).V_Password) Then
                XAuthOK = 1
                TBasePath = G_HostD(X).V_BasePath
            End If
        Else: TBasePath = G_HostD(X).V_BasePath
        End If
        Exit For
    End If
If XAuthDo = 1 Then
    If XAuthOK = 0 Then
'       If XAuthUser <> "" Then
'           DoLog "[HTTP]  [" & Space(3 - Len(Str(CIndex))) & Str(CIndex) & "][" & Space(15 - Len(XIPA)) & XIPA & "][403] [" & XHost & "] " & XAuthUser & " " & XGet
'           TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, HTTP_Create_Answer(403, , , , , 1)): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
'       Else
            DoLog "[HTTP]  [" & Space(3 - Len(Str(CIndex))) & Str(CIndex) & "][" & Space(15 - Len(XIPA)) & XIPA & "][401]  [" & XHost & "] " & XGet
            TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, HTTP_Create_Answer(401, , , , , 1)): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
'       End If
    Else: XAuthUser = " [" & XAuthUser & "] "
    End If
End If
If TBasePath = "" Then
    DoLog "[HTTP]  [" & Space(3 - Len(Str(CIndex))) & Str(CIndex) & "][" & Space(15 - Len(XIPA)) & XIPA & "][502] [" & XHost & "] " & XAuthUser & " " & XGet
    TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, HTTP_Create_Answer(502)): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
End If

Dim TGet as String = XGet
For X as UInteger = 1 to Len(TGet)
    If TGet[X - 1] = 47 Then TGet[X - 1] = HTTP_PathSeperation
If Right(XGet, 1) = "/" Then
    If Dir(TBasePath & TGet & "*", -1) <> "" Then
        For X as UInteger = 1 to G_BaseFileC
            If Dir(TBasePath & TGet & G_BaseFileD(X), -1) <> "" Then TGet += G_BaseFileD(X): MutexUnLock(ClientMutex): Goto HTTP_Request_OK
        If G_NoDirList = 1 Then
            DoLog "[HTTP]  [" & Space(3 - Len(Str(CIndex))) & Str(CIndex) & "][" & Space(15 - Len(XIPA)) & XIPA & "][404] [" & XHost & "] " & XAuthUser & " " & XGet
            TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, HTTP_Create_Answer(403)): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
        End If
        DoLog "[HTTP]  [" & Space(3 - Len(Str(CIndex))) & Str(CIndex) & "][" & Space(15 - Len(XIPA)) & XIPA & "][404] [" & XHost & "] " & XAuthUser & " " & XGet
        TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, HTTP_Create_Answer(404)): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
    End If
    If LCase(xget) = "/robots.txt" Then
        If G_RobotLock = 1 Then
            DoLog "[HTTP]  [" & Space(3 - Len(Str(CIndex))) & Str(CIndex) & "][" & Space(15 - Len(XIPA)) & XIPA & "][490] [" & XHost & "] " & XAuthUser & " " & XGet
            TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, HTTP_Create_Answer(490))
            Exit Sub
        Else: MutexUnLock(ClientMutex)
        End If
    End If
    Dim XAtr as Integer
    If Dir(TBasePath & TGet, -1, @XAtr) = "" Then
        DoLog "[HTTP]  [" & Space(3 - Len(Str(CIndex))) & Str(CIndex) & "][" & Space(15 - Len(XIPA)) & XIPA & "][404] [" & XHost & "] " & XAuthUser & " " & XGet
        TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, HTTP_Create_Answer(404)): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
        If (XAtr and &H10) = &H10 Then
            DoLog "[HTTP]  [" & Space(3 - Len(Str(CIndex))) & Str(CIndex) & "][" & Space(15 - Len(XIPA)) & XIPA & "][404] [" & XHost & "] " & XAuthUser & " " & XGet
            TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, HTTP_Create_Answer(404)): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
End If
DoLog "[HTTP]  [" & Space(3 - Len(Str(CIndex))) & Str(CIndex) & "][" & Space(15 - Len(XIPA)) & XIPA & "]      [" & XHost & "] " & XAuthUser & " " & XGet
Sleep 1, 1
Dim XTot as Double
TData = ""
XPos = InStrRev(TGet, ".")
Dim XFileType as String = ""
Dim XHTimeOut as UInteger = G_TimeOut / 2
Dim TTO as Double
If XPos > 0 Then XFileType = LCase(Mid(TGet, XPos + 1))
Select Case UCase(XType)
    Case "HEAD"
        T = HTML_HTTPCode_ReadFolder(TBasePath & TGet, XGet)
        TData = HTTP_Create_Answer(200, MIME_Get_Type_Desc("html"), Len(T))
        RV = TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, TData)
        If RV <> TSNE_Const_NoError Then Exit Select

    Case "GET"
        If Right(TGet, 1) = Chr(HTTP_PathSeperation) Then
            T = HTML_HTTPCode_ReadFolder(TBasePath & TGet, XGet)
            TData = HTTP_Create_Answer(200, MIME_Get_Type_Desc("html"), Len(T))
            RV = TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, TData)
            If RV <> TSNE_Const_NoError Then Exit Select
            For X as UInteger = 1 to Len(T) Step 6000
                RV = TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, Mid(T, X, 6000))
                If RV <> TSNE_Const_NoError Then Exit For
                If XTot < Timer Then Sleep 1, 1: XTot = Timer + 0.001
                If TTO < Timer() Then
                    ClientD(CIndex).V_ConTime = Timer() + G_TimeOut
                    TTO = Timer() + XHTimeOut
                End If
            Dim XFN as Integer
            Dim XCInFile as String
            Dim XCOutFile as String
            Dim XFC as UByte
            For X as UInteger = 1 to G_MimeC
                If G_MimeD(X).V_FileType = XFileType Then
                    XFC = 1
                    Dim XCMD as String = G_MimeD(X).V_Command
                    If XCMD = "" Then TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, HTTP_Create_Answer(500)): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
                        G_MimeFileC += 1
                        XCOutFile = "cache" & Chr(HTTP_PathSeperation) & Str(G_MimeFileC)
                        If Dir(XCOutFile & "_out.dat") = "" Then Exit Do
                    XCMD = Replace(XCMD, "$type", XType)
                    XCMD = Replace(XCMD, "$request", XGet)
                    XCMD = Replace(XCMD, "$ipa", XIPA)
                    XCMD = Replace(XCMD, "$port", Str(G_Port))
                    XCMD = Replace(XCMD, "$outpath", Exepath & Chr(HTTP_PathSeperation) & XCOutFile & "_out.dat")
                    XCMD = Replace(XCMD, "$inpath", TBasePath & TGet)
                    XCMD = Replace(XCMD, "$rootpath", TBasePath)
                    XCMD = Replace(XCMD, "$headerpath", Exepath & Chr(HTTP_PathSeperation) & XCOutFile & "_outh.dat")
                    Dim XPFID as Integer = FreeFile
                    Open Pipe XCMD For Input as #XPFID
                    Do until eof(XPFID)
                        Line input #XPFID, T
                    Close #XPFID
                    ClientD(CIndex).V_MimePathOut = XCOutFile
                    XFN = FreeFile
                    Open Exepath & Chr(HTTP_PathSeperation) & XCOutFile & "_out.dat" For Binary as #XFN
                    Goto HTTP_FileResume
                End If
            If XFC = 0 Then MutexUnLock(ClientMutex)
            XFN = FreeFile
            Open TBasePath & TGet For Binary as #XFN
            Dim MX as UInteger = Lof(XFN)
            If XStop > MX Then XStop = MX
            If ((XStart > XStop) and (XStop > 0)) Then XStart = XStop
            If XStart > 0 Then
                If XStop = 0 Then XStop = MX
                TData = HTTP_Create_Answer(200, MIME_Get_Type_Desc(XFileType), MX, XStart, XStop)
            Else: TData = HTTP_Create_Answer(200, MIME_Get_Type_Desc(XFileType), MX)
            End if
            RV = TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, TData)
            Dim XStep as UInteger = 6000
            If RV = TSNE_Const_NoError Then
                If XStop = 0 Then XStop = MX
                For X as UInteger = XStart + 1 to XStop Step XStep
                    T = Space(XStep)
                    If X + XStep > MX Then T = Space(MX - X + 1)
                    Get #XFN, X, T
                    RV = TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, T)
                    If RV <> TSNE_Const_NoError Then Exit For
                    If XTot < Timer Then Sleep 1, 1: XTot = Timer + 0.001
                    If TTO < Timer() Then
                        ClientD(CIndex).V_ConTime = Timer() + G_TimeOut
                        TTO = Timer() + XHTimeOut
                    End If
            End If
            Close #XFN
            If XCOutFile <> "" Then Kill Exepath & Chr(HTTP_PathSeperation) & XCOutFile & "_out.dat"
            If XCOutFile <> "" Then Kill Exepath & Chr(HTTP_PathSeperation) & XCOutFile & "_outh.dat"
        End If
    Case "POST"
    Case "PUT"
End Select
End Sub

End 0