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Datum/Zeit:15.03.2010 21:50:44
Hinweis: Dieser Quelltext ist Bestandteil des Projekts FBVectorFont, zu dem es auf FreeBASIC-Portal.de eine Projektseite gibt.

' FBVectorFont - FreeBasic Vector Font Modul
' 2009 By.: /_\ DeltaLab's Germany - Experimental Computing
' Autor: Martin Wiemann
' Idee: 1.00.0 - 03.09.2009 - 13:54:57
' Version: 1.00.0 - 03.09.2009 - 13:54:57
' Licence: "Do What The Fuck U Want"

Const FBVF_INT_FontMaxWidth                 = 36

Enum FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
    FBVF_GURU_NoError                       = 1
    FBVF_GURU_UnknownError                  = 0
    FBVF_GURU_InternalAllocationError       = -1
    FBVF_GURU_FileNotFound                  = -2
    FBVF_GURU_FileAlreadyExist              = -3
    FBVF_GURU_FileNameError                 = -4
    FBVF_GURU_FileDamage                    = -5
    FBVF_GURU_CantOpenFile                  = -6
    FBVF_GURU_FontIDNotFound                = -7
    FBVF_GURU_PointListIDNotFound           = -8
    FBVF_GURU_PointIDNotFound               = -9
End Enum

Type FBVF_INT_XPoint_Type
    V_X as Single
    V_Y as Single
End Type

Type FBVF_INT_Point_Type
    V_Next                                  as FBVF_INT_Point_Type Ptr
    V_Prev                                  as FBVF_INT_Point_Type Ptr
    V_PosX                                  as Single
    V_PosY                                  as Single
End Type
Type FBVF_INT_PointList_Type
    V_Next                                  as FBVF_INT_PointList_Type Ptr
    V_Prev                                  as FBVF_INT_PointList_Type Ptr
    V_PointF                                as FBVF_INT_Point_Type Ptr
    V_PointL                                as FBVF_INT_Point_Type Ptr
    V_FillPointX                            as Single
    V_FillPointY                            as Single
    V_PointC                                as UInteger
End Type
Type FBVF_INT_Font_Type
    V_PointListF                            as FBVF_INT_PointList_Type Ptr
    V_PointListL                            as FBVF_INT_PointList_Type Ptr
    V_PointListC                            as UInteger
    V_FastDrawImage                         as Any Ptr
End Type
Type FBVF_INT_Type
    V_Next                                  as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr
    V_Prev                                  as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr
    V_Font(255)                             as FBVF_INT_Font_Type
    V_FontID                                as UInteger
    V_Autor                                 as String
    V_Version                               as UInteger
    V_Revision                              as UInteger
    V_EditCount                             as UInteger
    V_FDTReady                              as UByte
    V_FDTSize                               as UInteger
End Type
Dim Shared FBVF_INT_F                       as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr
Dim Shared FBVF_INT_L                       as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr
Dim Shared FBVF_INT_Mutex                   as Any Ptr
Dim Shared FBVF_INT_FontIDC                 as UInteger

Dim shared PX as UInteger

Sub FBVF_INT_Construct() Constructor
FBVF_INT_Mutex = MutexCreate()
End Sub

Sub FBVF_INT_Destruct() Destructor
FBVF_INT_Mutex = 0
End Sub

Sub FBVF_INT_FillPolygon(V_ImagePtr as Any Ptr = 0, V_PointListD() as FBVF_INT_XPoint_Type, V_PointListC as UInteger, V_FillColor as UInteger)
If UBound(V_PointListD) < V_PointListC Then Exit Sub
If V_PointListC <= 2 Then Exit Sub
Dim XTop    as Single = 2147483647
Dim XBottom as Single = -2147483648
Dim XLeft   as Single = 2147483647
Dim XRight  as Single = -2147483648
Dim X as Integer
Dim Y as Single
Dim Z as UInteger
For X = 0 to V_PointListC
    If XBottom < V_PointListD(X).V_Y Then XBottom = V_PointListD(X).V_Y
    If XTop > V_PointListD(X).V_Y Then XTop = V_PointListD(X).V_Y
    If XLeft > V_PointListD(X).V_X Then XLeft = V_PointListD(X).V_X
    If XRight < V_PointListD(X).V_X Then XRight = V_PointListD(X).V_X
    If X < V_PointListC Then Line V_ImagePtr, (V_PointListD(X).V_X, V_PointListD(X).V_Y)-(V_PointListD(X + 1).V_X, V_PointListD(X + 1).V_Y), V_FillColor
Line V_ImagePtr, (V_PointListD(V_PointListC).V_X, V_PointListD(V_PointListC).V_Y)-(V_PointListD(0).V_X, V_PointListD(0).V_Y), V_FillColor
If (XRight - XLeft) = 0 Then Exit Sub
If (XBottom - XTop) = 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim PV as Single
Dim PL(V_PointListC) as Single
Dim PC as UInteger
Dim PCL as UInteger
Dim X2 as UInteger
Dim POK as UByte
For Y = XTop To XBottom
    PC = 0
    PCL = 0
    For X = 0 to V_PointListC
        X2 = X + 1
        If X2 > V_PointListC Then X2 = 0
        PV = V_PointListD(X2).V_X - (V_PointListD(X2).V_X - V_PointListD(X).V_X) * (V_PointListD(X2).V_Y - (Y - 0.5)) / (V_PointListD(X2).V_Y - V_PointListD(X).V_Y)
        POK = 0
        If V_PointListD(X).V_Y <= V_PointListD(X2).V_Y Then
            If (V_PointListD(X).V_Y <= Y) and (V_PointListD(X2).V_Y >= Y) Then POK = 1
        Else: If (V_PointListD(X2).V_Y <= Y) and (V_PointListD(X).V_Y >= Y) Then POK = 1
        End If
        If POK = 1 Then
            If V_PointListD(X).V_X <= V_PointListD(X2).V_X Then
                If (PV >= V_PointListD(X).V_X) and (PV <= V_PointListD(X2).V_X) Then PC += 1
            Else: If (PV >= V_PointListD(X2).V_X) and (PV <= V_PointListD(X).V_X) Then PC += 1
            End If
            If PC <> PCL Then
                PCL = PC
                PL(PC) = PV
            End If
        End If
    X = 1
    Do Until X > PC - 1
        If PL(X) > PL(X + 1) Then
            Swap PL(X), PL(X + 1)
            If X > 1 Then X -= 1
        Else: X += 1
        End If
    If (PC mod 2) <> 0 Then PC -= 1
    For X = 1 to PC - 1 step 2
        Line V_ImagePtr, (PL(X), Y)-(PL(X + 1), Y), V_FillColor
End Sub

Function FBVF_INT_FTGet(V_FontID as UInteger) as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr
Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_F
Do Until TPtr = 0
    If TPtr->V_FontID = V_FontID Then Return TPtr
Return TPtr
End Function

Function FBVF_INT_FTAdd(V_FontID as UInteger) as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr
If FBVF_INT_L <> 0 Then
    FBVF_INT_L->V_Next = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_Type))
    FBVF_INT_L->V_Next->V_Prev = FBVF_INT_L
    FBVF_INT_L = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_Type))
End If
    .V_FontID   = V_FontID
End With
End Function

Function FBVF_New(ByRef R_FontID as UInteger, V_Autor as String, V_Version as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
    FBVF_INT_FontIDC += 1
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_InternalAllocationError
With *TPtr
    .V_Autor    = V_Autor
    .V_Version  = V_Version
End With
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_Unload(V_FontID as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_FTGet(V_FontID)
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_FontIDNotFound
For X as UInteger = 0 to 255
    With TPtr->V_Font(X)
        If .V_FastDrawImage <> 0 Then ImageDestroy(.V_FastDrawImage): .V_FastDrawImage = 0
        Do Until .V_PointListF = 0
            .V_PointListL = .V_PointListF->V_Next
            With *.V_PointListF
                Do Until .V_PointF = 0
                    .V_PointL = .V_PointF->V_Next
                    .V_PointF = .V_PointL
            End With
            .V_PointListF = .V_PointListL
    End With
If TPtr->V_Next <> 0 Then TPtr->V_Next->V_Prev = TPtr->V_Prev
If TPtr->V_Prev <> 0 Then TPtr->V_Prev->V_Next = TPtr->V_Next
If FBVF_INT_F = TPtr Then FBVF_INT_F = TPtr->V_Next
If FBVF_INT_L = TPtr Then FBVF_INT_L = TPtr->V_Prev
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_SaveFile(V_FilePathName as String, V_FontID as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
If ((Right(V_FilePathName, 1) = "/") or (Right(V_FilePathName, 1) = "\")) Then Return FBVF_GURU_FileNameError
If Dir(V_FilePathName, -1) <> "" Then Return FBVF_GURU_FileAlreadyExist
Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_FTGet(V_FontID)
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_FontIDNotFound
Dim XFN as Integer = FreeFile
If Open(V_FilePathName for Binary as #XFN) <> 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_CantOpenFile
With *TPtr
    Dim MX as UInteger
    MX = Len(.V_Autor)
    Print #XFN, Chr((MX shr 24) and 255); Chr((MX shr 16) and 255); Chr((MX shr 8) and 255); Chr(MX and 255); .V_Autor;
    Print #XFN, Chr((.V_Version shr 24) and 255);   Chr((.V_Version shr 16) and 255);   Chr((.V_Version shr 8) and 255);    Chr(.V_Version and 255);
    Print #XFN, Chr((.V_Revision shr 24) and 255);  Chr((.V_Revision shr 16) and 255);  Chr((.V_Revision shr 8) and 255);   Chr(.V_Revision and 255);
    Print #XFN, Chr((.V_EditCount shr 24) and 255); Chr((.V_EditCount shr 16) and 255); Chr((.V_EditCount shr 8) and 255);  Chr(.V_EditCount and 255);
    Dim TPLPtr as FBVF_INT_PointList_Type Ptr
    Dim TPPtr as FBVF_INT_Point_Type Ptr
    For X as UInteger = 0 to 255
        TPLPtr = .V_Font(X).V_PointListF
        If TPLPtr <> 0 Then
            Print #XFN, Chr((X shr 24) and 255); Chr((X shr 16) and 255); Chr((X shr 8) and 255); Chr(X and 255);
            Print #XFN, Chr((.V_Font(X).V_PointListC shr 24) and 255); Chr((.V_Font(X).V_PointListC shr 16) and 255); Chr((.V_Font(X).V_PointListC shr 8) and 255); Chr(.V_Font(X).V_PointListC and 255);
            Do Until TPLPtr = 0
                TPPtr = TPLPtr->V_PointF
                If TPPtr <> 0 Then
                    With *TPLPtr
                        Print #XFN, Chr((.V_FillPointX shr 24) and 255); Chr((.V_FillPointX shr 16) and 255); Chr((.V_FillPointX shr 8) and 255); Chr(.V_FillPointX and 255);
                        Print #XFN, Chr((.V_FillPointY shr 24) and 255); Chr((.V_FillPointY shr 16) and 255); Chr((.V_FillPointY shr 8) and 255); Chr(.V_FillPointY and 255);
                        Print #XFN, Chr((.V_PointC shr 24) and 255); Chr((.V_PointC shr 16) and 255); Chr((.V_PointC shr 8) and 255); Chr(.V_PointC and 255);
                    End With
                    Do Until TPPtr = 0
                        With *TPPtr
                            Print #XFN, Chr((.V_PosX shr 24) and 255); Chr((.V_PosX shr 16) and 255); Chr((.V_PosX shr 8) and 255); Chr(.V_PosX and 255);
                            Print #XFN, Chr((.V_PosY shr 24) and 255); Chr((.V_PosY shr 16) and 255); Chr((.V_PosY shr 8) and 255); Chr(.V_PosY and 255);
                        End With
                        TPPtr = TPPtr->V_Next
                End If
                TPLPtr = TPLPtr->V_Next
        End If
End With
Close #XFN
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_SaveStream(ByRef R_Data as String, V_FontID as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_FTGet(V_FontID)
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_FontIDNotFound
With *TPtr
    Dim MX as UInteger
    MX = Len(.V_Autor)
    R_Data += Chr((MX shr 24) and 255) & Chr((MX shr 16) and 255) & Chr((MX shr 8) and 255) & Chr(MX and 255) & .V_Autor
    R_Data += Chr((.V_Version shr 24) and 255) &    Chr((.V_Version shr 16) and 255) &      Chr((.V_Version shr 8) and 255) &   Chr(.V_Version and 255)
    R_Data += Chr((.V_Revision shr 24) and 255) &   Chr((.V_Revision shr 16) and 255) &     Chr((.V_Revision shr 8) and 255) &  Chr(.V_Revision and 255)
    R_Data += Chr((.V_EditCount shr 24) and 255) &  Chr((.V_EditCount shr 16) and 255) &    Chr((.V_EditCount shr 8) and 255) & Chr(.V_EditCount and 255)
    Dim TPLPtr as FBVF_INT_PointList_Type Ptr
    Dim TPPtr as FBVF_INT_Point_Type Ptr
    For X as UInteger = 0 to 255
        TPLPtr = .V_Font(X).V_PointListF
        If TPLPtr <> 0 Then
            R_Data += Chr((X shr 24) and 255) & Chr((X shr 16) and 255) & Chr((X shr 8) and 255) & Chr(X and 255)
            R_Data += Chr((.V_Font(X).V_PointListC shr 24) and 255) & Chr((.V_Font(X).V_PointListC shr 16) and 255) & Chr((.V_Font(X).V_PointListC shr 8) and 255) & Chr(.V_Font(X).V_PointListC and 255)
            Do Until TPLPtr = 0
                TPPtr = TPLPtr->V_PointF
                If TPPtr <> 0 Then
                    With *TPLPtr
                        R_Data += Chr((.V_FillPointX shr 24) and 255) & Chr((.V_FillPointX shr 16) and 255) & Chr((.V_FillPointX shr 8) and 255) & Chr(.V_FillPointX and 255)
                        R_Data += Chr((.V_FillPointY shr 24) and 255) & Chr((.V_FillPointY shr 16) and 255) & Chr((.V_FillPointY shr 8) and 255) & Chr(.V_FillPointY and 255)
                        R_Data += Chr((.V_PointC shr 24) and 255) & Chr((.V_PointC shr 16) and 255) & Chr((.V_PointC shr 8) and 255) & Chr(.V_PointC and 255)
                    End With
                    Do Until TPPtr = 0
                        With *TPPtr
                            R_Data += Chr((.V_PosX shr 24) and 255) & Chr((.V_PosX shr 16) and 255) & Chr((.V_PosX shr 8) and 255) & Chr(.V_PosX and 255)
                            R_Data += Chr((.V_PosY shr 24) and 255) & Chr((.V_PosY shr 16) and 255) & Chr((.V_PosY shr 8) and 255) & Chr(.V_PosY and 255)
                        End With
                        TPPtr = TPPtr->V_Next
                End If
                TPLPtr = TPLPtr->V_Next
        End If
End With
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_SaveFileHuman(V_FilePathName as String, V_FontID as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
If ((Right(V_FilePathName, 1) = "/") or (Right(V_FilePathName, 1) = "\")) Then Return FBVF_GURU_FileNameError
If Dir(V_FilePathName, -1) <> "" Then Return FBVF_GURU_FileAlreadyExist
Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_FTGet(V_FontID)
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_FontIDNotFound
Dim XFN as Integer = FreeFile
If Open(V_FilePathName for Binary as #XFN) <> 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_CantOpenFile
With *TPtr
    .V_EditCount += 1
    Print #XFN, "Autor=";       .V_Autor;           Chr(13, 10);
    Print #XFN, "Version=";     Str(.V_Version);    Chr(13, 10);
    Print #XFN, "Revision=";    Str(.V_Revision);   Chr(13, 10);
    Print #XFN, "Editcount=";   Str(.V_EditCount);  Chr(13, 10);
    Dim TPLPtr as FBVF_INT_PointList_Type Ptr
    Dim TPPtr as FBVF_INT_Point_Type Ptr
    For X as UInteger = 0 to 255
        TPLPtr = .V_Font(X).V_PointListF
        If TPLPtr <> 0 Then
            Print #XFN, "NewChar="; Str(X); Chr(13, 10);
            Do Until TPLPtr = 0
                TPPtr = TPLPtr->V_PointF
                If TPPtr <> 0 Then
                    Print #XFN, "NewPointList"; Chr(13, 10);
                    If (TPLPtr->V_FillPointX > 0) and (TPLPtr->V_FillPointY > 0) Then
                        Print #XFN, "SetFillPoint="; Str(TPLPtr->V_FillPointX); "x"; Str(TPLPtr->V_FillPointY); Chr(13, 10);
                    End If
                    Print #XFN, "AddPoints=";
                    Do Until TPPtr = 0
                        Print #XFN, Str(TPPtr->V_PosX); "x"; Str(TPPtr->V_PosY); " ";
                        TPPtr = TPPtr->V_Next
                    Print #XFN, Chr(13, 10);
                End If
                TPLPtr = TPLPtr->V_Next
        End If
End With
Close #XFN
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_SaveStreamHuman(ByRef R_Data as String, V_FontID as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_FTGet(V_FontID)
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_FontIDNotFound
With *TPtr
    .V_EditCount += 1
    R_Data += "Autor="      & .V_Autor          & Chr(13, 10)
    R_Data += "Version="    & Str(.V_Version)   & Chr(13, 10)
    R_Data += "Revision="   & Str(.V_Revision)  & Chr(13, 10)
    R_Data += "Editcount="  & Str(.V_EditCount) & Chr(13, 10)
    Dim TPLPtr as FBVF_INT_PointList_Type Ptr
    Dim TPPtr as FBVF_INT_Point_Type Ptr
    For X as UInteger = 0 to 255
        TPLPtr = .V_Font(X).V_PointListF
        If TPLPtr <> 0 Then
            R_Data += "NewChar=" & Str(X) & Chr(13, 10)
            Do Until TPLPtr = 0
                TPPtr = TPLPtr->V_PointF
                If TPPtr <> 0 Then
                    R_Data += "NewPointList" & Chr(13, 10)
                    If (TPLPtr->V_FillPointX > 0) and (TPLPtr->V_FillPointY > 0) Then
                        R_Data += "SetFillPoint=" & Str(TPLPtr->V_FillPointX) & "x" & Str(TPLPtr->V_FillPointY) & Chr(13, 10)
                    End If
                    R_Data += "AddPoints="
                    Do Until TPPtr = 0
                        R_Data += Str(TPPtr->V_PosX) & "x" & Str(TPPtr->V_PosY) & " "
                        TPPtr = TPPtr->V_Next
                    R_Data += Chr(13, 10)
                End If
                TPLPtr = TPLPtr->V_Next
        End If
End With
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_LoadFile(V_FilePathName as String, ByRef R_FontID as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
R_FontID = 0
If ((Right(V_FilePathName, 1) = "/") or (Right(V_FilePathName, 1) = "\")) Then Return FBVF_GURU_FileNameError
If Dir(V_FilePathName, -1) = "" Then Return FBVF_GURU_FileNotFound
Dim XFN as Integer = FreeFile
If Open(V_FilePathName for Binary as #XFN) <> 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_CantOpenFile
Dim RV as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum = FBVF_New(R_FontID, "", 0)
If RV <> FBVF_GURU_NoError Then Close #XFN: R_FontID = 0: Return RV
Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_FTGet(R_FontID)
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): R_FontID = 0: Close #XFN: Return FBVF_GURU_InternalAllocationError
Dim T as String
Dim XLen as UInteger = Lof(XFN)
Dim MX as UInteger
Dim TOffSet as UInteger
If XLen < 4 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): FBVF_Unload(R_FontID): R_FontID = 0: Close #XFN: Return FBVF_GURU_FileDamage
T = Space(4)
Get #XFN, 1, T
MX = (T[0] shl 24) or (T[1] shl 16) or (T[2] shl 8) or T[3]
If (XLen - 4) < MX Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): FBVF_Unload(R_FontID): R_FontID = 0: Close #XFN: Return FBVF_GURU_FileDamage
With *TPtr
    .V_Autor = Space(MX):   Get #XFN, 5, .V_Autor
    If (XLen - 4 - MX) < 12 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): FBVF_Unload(R_FontID): R_FontID = 0: Close #XFN: Return FBVF_GURU_FileDamage
    T = Space(12)
    Get #XFN, 5 + MX, T
    .V_Version      = (T[0] shl 24) or (T[1] shl 16) or (T[2] shl 8) or T[3]
    .V_Revision     = (T[4] shl 24) or (T[5] shl 16) or (T[6] shl 8) or T[7]
    .V_EditCount    = (T[8] shl 24) or (T[9] shl 16) or (T[10] shl 8) or T[11]
    TOffSet = 4 + MX + 12
    Dim TChrID as UByte
    Dim XPLC as UInteger
    Dim X as UInteger
        If (XLen - TOffSet) = 0 Then Exit Do
        If (XLen - TOffSet) < 8 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): FBVF_Unload(R_FontID): R_FontID = 0: Close #XFN: Return FBVF_GURU_FileDamage
        T = Space(8)
        Get #XFN, 1 + TOffSet, T
        TOffSet += 8
        TChrID = (T[0] shl 24) or (T[1] shl 16) or (T[2] shl 8) or T[3]
        XPLC = (T[4] shl 24) or (T[5] shl 16) or (T[6] shl 8) or T[7]
        If (XLen - TOffSet) < (XPLC * 8) Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): FBVF_Unload(R_FontID): R_FontID = 0: Close #XFN: Return FBVF_GURU_FileDamage
        With .V_Font(TChrID)
            .V_PointListC = XPLC
            For X as UInteger = 1 to .V_PointListC
                If (XLen - TOffSet) < 12 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): FBVF_Unload(R_FontID): R_FontID = 0: Close #XFN: Return FBVF_GURU_FileDamage
                If .V_PointListL <> 0 Then
                    .V_PointListL->V_Next = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_PointList_Type))
                    .V_PointListL->V_Next->V_Prev = .V_PointListL
                    .V_PointListL = .V_PointListL->V_Next
                    .V_PointListL = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_PointList_Type))
                    .V_PointListF = .V_PointListL
                End If
                T = Space(12)
                Get #XFN, 1 + TOffSet, T
                TOffSet += 12
                With *.V_PointListL
                    .V_FillPointX   = (T[0] shl 24) or (T[1] shl 16) or (T[2] shl 8) or T[3]
                    .V_FillPointY   = (T[4] shl 24) or (T[5] shl 16) or (T[6] shl 8) or T[7]
                    .V_PointC       = (T[8] shl 24) or (T[9] shl 16) or (T[10] shl 8) or T[11]
                    For Y as UInteger = 1 to .V_PointC
                        If (XLen - TOffSet) < 8 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): FBVF_Unload(R_FontID): R_FontID = 0: Close #XFN: Return FBVF_GURU_FileDamage
                        T = Space(8)
                        Get #XFN, 1 + TOffSet, T
                        TOffSet += 8
                        If .V_PointL <> 0 Then
                            .V_PointL->V_Next = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_Point_Type))
                            .V_PointL->V_Next->V_Prev = .V_PointL
                            .V_PointL = .V_PointL->V_Next
                            .V_PointL = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_Point_Type))
                            .V_PointF = .V_PointL
                        End If
                        With *.V_PointL
                            .V_PosX = (T[0] shl 24) or (T[1] shl 16) or (T[2] shl 8) or T[3]
                            .V_PosY = (T[4] shl 24) or (T[5] shl 16) or (T[6] shl 8) or T[7]
                        End With
                End With
        End With
End With
Close #XFN
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_LoadStream(V_Data as String, ByRef R_FontID as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
R_FontID = 0
Dim RV as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum = FBVF_New(R_FontID, "", 0)
If RV <> FBVF_GURU_NoError Then R_FontID = 0: Return RV
Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_FTGet(R_FontID)
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): R_FontID = 0: Return FBVF_GURU_InternalAllocationError
Dim T as String
Dim XLen as UInteger = Len(V_Data)
Dim MX as UInteger
Dim TOffSet as UInteger
If XLen < 4 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): FBVF_Unload(R_FontID): R_FontID = 0: Return FBVF_GURU_FileDamage
T = Mid(V_Data, 1, 4)
MX = (T[0] shl 24) or (T[1] shl 16) or (T[2] shl 8) or T[3]
If (XLen - 4) < MX Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): FBVF_Unload(R_FontID): R_FontID = 0: Return FBVF_GURU_FileDamage
With *TPtr
    .V_Autor = Mid(V_Data, 5, MX)
    If (XLen - 4 - MX) < 12 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): FBVF_Unload(R_FontID): R_FontID = 0: Return FBVF_GURU_FileDamage
    T = Mid(V_Data, 5 + MX, 12)
    .V_Version      = (T[0] shl 24) or (T[1] shl 16) or (T[2] shl 8) or T[3]
    .V_Revision     = (T[4] shl 24) or (T[5] shl 16) or (T[6] shl 8) or T[7]
    .V_EditCount    = (T[8] shl 24) or (T[9] shl 16) or (T[10] shl 8) or T[11]
    TOffSet = 4 + MX + 12
    Dim TChrID as UByte
    Dim XPLC as UInteger
    Dim X as UInteger
        If (XLen - TOffSet) = 0 Then Exit Do
        If (XLen - TOffSet) < 8 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): FBVF_Unload(R_FontID): R_FontID = 0: Return FBVF_GURU_FileDamage
        T = Mid(V_Data, 1 + TOffSet, 8)
        TOffSet += 8
        TChrID = (T[0] shl 24) or (T[1] shl 16) or (T[2] shl 8) or T[3]
        XPLC = (T[4] shl 24) or (T[5] shl 16) or (T[6] shl 8) or T[7]
        If (XLen - TOffSet) < (XPLC * 8) Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): FBVF_Unload(R_FontID): R_FontID = 0: Return FBVF_GURU_FileDamage
        With .V_Font(TChrID)
            .V_PointListC = XPLC
            For X as UInteger = 1 to .V_PointListC
                If (XLen - TOffSet) < 12 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): FBVF_Unload(R_FontID): R_FontID = 0: Return FBVF_GURU_FileDamage
                If .V_PointListL <> 0 Then
                    .V_PointListL->V_Next = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_PointList_Type))
                    .V_PointListL->V_Next->V_Prev = .V_PointListL
                    .V_PointListL = .V_PointListL->V_Next
                    .V_PointListL = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_PointList_Type))
                    .V_PointListF = .V_PointListL
                End If
                T = Mid(V_Data, 1 + TOffSet, 12)
                TOffSet += 12
                With *.V_PointListL
                    .V_FillPointX   = (T[0] shl 24) or (T[1] shl 16) or (T[2] shl 8) or T[3]
                    .V_FillPointY   = (T[4] shl 24) or (T[5] shl 16) or (T[6] shl 8) or T[7]
                    .V_PointC       = (T[8] shl 24) or (T[9] shl 16) or (T[10] shl 8) or T[11]
                    For Y as UInteger = 1 to .V_PointC
                        If (XLen - TOffSet) < 8 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): FBVF_Unload(R_FontID): R_FontID = 0: Return FBVF_GURU_FileDamage
                        T = Mid(V_Data, 1 + TOffSet, 8)
                        TOffSet += 8
                        If .V_PointL <> 0 Then
                            .V_PointL->V_Next = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_Point_Type))
                            .V_PointL->V_Next->V_Prev = .V_PointL
                            .V_PointL = .V_PointL->V_Next
                            .V_PointL = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_Point_Type))
                            .V_PointF = .V_PointL
                        End If
                        With *.V_PointL
                            .V_PosX = (T[0] shl 24) or (T[1] shl 16) or (T[2] shl 8) or T[3]
                            .V_PosY = (T[4] shl 24) or (T[5] shl 16) or (T[6] shl 8) or T[7]
                        End With
                End With
        End With
End With
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_LoadFileHuman(V_FilePathName as String, ByRef R_FontID as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
R_FontID = 0
If ((Right(V_FilePathName, 1) = "/") or (Right(V_FilePathName, 1) = "\")) Then Return FBVF_GURU_FileNameError
If Dir(V_FilePathName, -1) = "" Then Return FBVF_GURU_FileNotFound
Dim XFN as Integer = FreeFile
If Open(V_FilePathName for Binary as #XFN) <> 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_CantOpenFile
Dim RV as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum = FBVF_New(R_FontID, "", 0)
If RV <> FBVF_GURU_NoError Then Close #XFN: R_FontID = 0: Return RV
Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_FTGet(R_FontID)
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): R_FontID = 0: Close #XFN: Return FBVF_GURU_InternalAllocationError
Dim T as String
Dim XPos as UInteger
Dim T1 as String
Dim T2 as String
Dim TChrID as UByte
Do Until EOF(XFN)
    Line Input #XFN, T
    XPos = InStr(1, T, "=")
    If XPos > 0 Then
        T1 = Mid(T, XPos + 1)
        T = LCase(Left(T, XPos - 1))
    Else: T1 = "": T = LCase(T)
    End If
    With *TPtr
        Select Case T
            Case "autor":           .V_Autor        = T1
            Case "version":         .V_Version      = ValUInt(T1)
            Case "revision":        .V_Revision     = ValUInt(T1)
            Case "editcount":       .V_EditCount    = ValUInt(T1)
            Case "newchar":         TChrID          = CUByte(ValUInt(T1))
            Case "newpointlist"
                With .V_Font(TChrID)
                    .V_PointListC += 1
                    If .V_PointListL <> 0 Then
                        .V_PointListL->V_Next = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_PointList_Type))
                        .V_PointListL->V_Next->V_Prev = .V_PointListL
                        .V_PointListL = .V_PointListL->V_Next
                        .V_PointListL = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_PointList_Type))
                        .V_PointListF = .V_PointListL
                    End If
                End With

            Case "setfillpoint"
                If .V_Font(TChrID).V_PointListL <> 0 Then
                    T1 = LCase(T1)
                    XPos = InStr(1, T1, "x")
                    If XPos > 0 Then
                        With *.V_Font(TChrID).V_PointListL
                            .V_FillPointX   = ValUInt(Left(T1, XPos - 1))
                            .V_FillPointY   = ValUInt(Mid(T1, XPos + 1))
                        End With
                    End If
                End If

            Case "addpoints"
                If .V_Font(TChrID).V_PointListL <> 0 Then
                    T1 = LCase(T1)
                        XPos = InStr(1, T1, " ")
                        If XPos = 0 Then Exit Do
                        T2 = LCase(Left(T1, XPos - 1))
                        T1 = Mid(T1, XPos + 1)
                        XPos = InStr(1, T2, "x")
                        If XPos > 0 Then
                            With *.V_Font(TChrID).V_PointListL
                                .V_PointC += 1
                                If .V_PointL <> 0 Then
                                    .V_PointL->V_Next = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_Point_Type))
                                    .V_PointL->V_Next->V_Prev = .V_PointL
                                    .V_PointL = .V_PointL->V_Next
                                    .V_PointL = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_Point_Type))
                                    .V_PointF = .V_PointL
                                End If
                                With *.V_PointL
                                    .V_PosX = ValUInt(Left(T2, XPos - 1))
                                    .V_PosY = ValUInt(Mid(T2, XPos + 1))
                                End With
                            End With
                        End If
                End If
        End Select
    End With
Close #XFN
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_LoadStreamHuman(ByVal V_Data as String, ByRef R_FontID as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
R_FontID = 0
Dim RV as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum = FBVF_New(R_FontID, "", 0)
If RV <> FBVF_GURU_NoError Then R_FontID = 0: Return RV
Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_FTGet(R_FontID)
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): R_FontID = 0: Return FBVF_GURU_InternalAllocationError
Dim T as String
Dim XPos as UInteger
Dim T1 as String
Dim T2 as String
Dim TChrID as UByte
    XPos = InStr(1, V_Data, Chr(13, 10))
    If XPos = 0 Then Exit Do
    T = Left(V_Data, XPos - 1)
    V_Data = Mid(V_Data, XPos + 1)
    XPos = InStr(1, T, "=")
    If XPos > 0 Then
        T1 = Mid(T, XPos + 1)
        T = LCase(Left(T, XPos - 1))
    Else: T1 = "": T = LCase(T)
    End If
    With *TPtr
        Select Case T
            Case "autor":           .V_Autor        = T1
            Case "version":         .V_Version      = ValUInt(T1)
            Case "revision":        .V_Revision     = ValUInt(T1)
            Case "editcount":       .V_EditCount    = ValUInt(T1)
            Case "newchar":         TChrID          = CUByte(ValUInt(T1))
            Case "newpointlist"
                With .V_Font(TChrID)
                    .V_PointListC += 1
                    If .V_PointListL <> 0 Then
                        .V_PointListL->V_Next = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_PointList_Type))
                        .V_PointListL->V_Next->V_Prev = .V_PointListL
                        .V_PointListL = .V_PointListL->V_Next
                        .V_PointListL = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_PointList_Type))
                        .V_PointListF = .V_PointListL
                    End If
                End With

            Case "setfillpoint"
                If .V_Font(TChrID).V_PointListL <> 0 Then
                    T1 = LCase(T1)
                    XPos = InStr(1, T1, "x")
                    If XPos > 0 Then
                        With *.V_Font(TChrID).V_PointListL
                            .V_FillPointX   = ValUInt(Left(T1, XPos - 1))
                            .V_FillPointY   = ValUInt(Mid(T1, XPos + 1))
                        End With
                    End If
                End If

            Case "addpoints"
                If .V_Font(TChrID).V_PointListL <> 0 Then
                    T1 = LCase(T1)
                        XPos = InStr(1, T1, " ")
                        If XPos = 0 Then Exit Do
                        T2 = LCase(Left(T1, XPos - 1))
                        T1 = Mid(T1, XPos + 1)
                        XPos = InStr(1, T2, "x")
                        If XPos > 0 Then
                            With *.V_Font(TChrID).V_PointListL
                                .V_PointC += 1
                                If .V_PointL <> 0 Then
                                    .V_PointL->V_Next = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_Point_Type))
                                    .V_PointL->V_Next->V_Prev = .V_PointL
                                    .V_PointL = .V_PointL->V_Next
                                    .V_PointL = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_Point_Type))
                                    .V_PointF = .V_PointL
                                End If
                                With *.V_PointL
                                    .V_PosX = ValUInt(Left(T2, XPos - 1))
                                    .V_PosY = ValUInt(Mid(T2, XPos + 1))
                                End With
                            End With
                        End If
                End If
        End Select
    End With
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_CreateFastDrawTable(V_FontID as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_Chr_Dimension(V_FontID as UInteger, V_ChrID as UInteger, V_Size as UInteger = 10, ByRef R_Width as UInteger, ByRef R_Height as UInteger, V_SizeWidth as UInteger = 0, V_SizeHeight as UInteger = 0, V_SizeMultiple as Double = 0, ByRef R_TopOffset as UInteger = 0, ByRef R_LeftOffset as UInteger = 0) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
R_Width = 0
R_Height = 0
R_TopOffset = 0
R_LeftOffset = 0
If (V_SizeWidth > 0) and (V_SizeHeight > 0) Then
    R_Width = V_SizeWidth
    R_Height = V_SizeHeight
    Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End If
Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_FTGet(V_FontID)
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_FontIDNotFound
Dim TPLPtr as FBVF_INT_PointList_Type Ptr = TPtr->V_Font(V_ChrID).V_PointListF
Dim TPPtr as FBVF_INT_Point_Type Ptr
Dim XL as UInteger = 0
Dim XR as UInteger = -1
Dim XT as UInteger = 0
Dim XB as UInteger = -1
Dim TX as UInteger
Dim TY as UInteger
If TPLPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
Do Until TPLPtr = 0
    With *TPLPtr
        TPPtr = .V_PointF
        Do Until TPPtr = 0
            If V_SizeMultiple = 0 Then
                TX = TPPtr->V_PosX * V_SizeMultiple
                TY = TPPtr->V_PosY * V_SizeMultiple
            End If
            If TX > XL Then XL = TX
            If TX < XR Then XR = TX
            If TY > XT Then XT = TY
            If TY < XB THen XB = TY
            TPPtr = TPPtr->V_Next
    End With
    TPLPtr = TPLPtr->V_Next
'PX += 10: Draw String (50, PX), "DIM:" & XR & " - " & XL & " --- " & XB & " - " & XT, &HFFFF00
R_Width = XL - XR
R_Height = XT - XB
R_TopOffset = XR
R_LeftOffset = XB
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_GetStringDimension(V_FontID as UInteger, V_Text as String, V_Size as UInteger = 10, V_SizeWidth as UInteger = 0, V_SizeHeight as UInteger = 0, V_SizeMultiple as Double = 0, V_ChrSpace as UInteger = 8, ByRef R_Width as UInteger, ByRef R_Height as UInteger, ByRef R_TopOffset as UInteger = 0, ByRef R_LeftOffset as UInteger = 0, V_Monospace as UByte = 1) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
Dim XPX as UInteger
Dim XPY as UInteger
Dim XOX as UInteger
Dim XOY as UInteger
Dim TPX as UInteger
Dim TPY as UInteger
Dim TOX as UInteger
Dim TOY as UInteger
For X as UInteger = 1 to Len(V_Text)
    FBVF_Chr_Dimension(V_FontID, V_Text[X - 1], V_Size, TPX, TPY, V_SizeWidth, V_SizeHeight, V_SizeMultiple, TOX, TOY)
    If V_Monospace = 0 Then
        If TPX > 0 Then XPX += TPX + (V_ChrSpace * V_SizeMultiple)' - TOX
    Else: If TPX > 0 Then XPX += FBVF_INT_FontMaxWidth + (V_ChrSpace * V_SizeMultiple)
    End If
    If XPY < TPY Then XPY = TPY
    If XOX < TOX Then XOX = TOX
    If XOY < TOY Then XOY = TOY
If Len(V_Text) > 0 Then XPX -= (V_ChrSpace * V_SizeMultiple)
R_Width = XPX
R_Height = XPY
R_TopOffset = XOX
R_LeftOffset = XOY
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_GetFontInfo(V_FontID as UInteger, ByRef R_Autor as String = "", ByRef R_Version as UInteger = 0, ByRef R_Revision as UInteger = 0, ByRef R_Editcount as UInteger = 0) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
R_Autor = ""
R_Version = 0
R_Revision = 0
R_Editcount = 0
Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_FTGet(V_FontID)
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_FontIDNotFound
With *TPtr
    R_Autor     = .V_Autor
    R_Version   = .V_Version
    R_Revision  = .V_Revision
    R_Editcount = .V_Editcount
End With
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_PointList_Add(V_FontID as UInteger, V_ChrID as UInteger, ByRef R_PointListID as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_FTGet(V_FontID)
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_FontIDNotFound
With TPtr->V_Font(V_ChrID)
    .V_PointListC += 1
    R_PointListID = .V_PointListC
    If .V_PointListL <> 0 Then
        .V_PointListL->V_Next = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_PointList_Type))
        .V_PointListL->V_Next->V_Prev = .V_PointListL
        .V_PointListL = .V_PointListL->V_Next
        .V_PointListL = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_PointList_Type))
        .V_PointListF = .V_PointListL
    End If
End With
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_PointList_Del(V_FontID as UInteger, V_ChrID as UInteger, V_PointListID as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_Point_Add(V_FontID as UInteger, V_ChrID as UInteger, V_PointListID as UInteger, V_PosX as UInteger, V_PosY as UInteger, ByRef R_PointID as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_FTGet(V_FontID)
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_FontIDNotFound
Dim TPLPtr as FBVF_INT_PointList_Type Ptr = TPtr->V_Font(V_ChrID).V_PointListF
Dim XLC as UInteger
Do Until TPLPtr = 0
    XLC += 1
    If XLC = V_PointListID Then Exit Do
    TPLPtr = TPLPtr->V_Next
If TPLPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_PointListIDNotFound
With *TPLPtr
    .V_PointC += 1
    R_PointID = .V_PointC
    If .V_PointL <> 0 Then
        .V_PointL->V_Next = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_Point_Type))
        .V_PointL->V_Next->V_Prev = .V_PointL
        .V_PointL = .V_PointL->V_Next
        .V_PointL = CAllocate(SizeOf(FBVF_INT_Point_Type))
        .V_PointF = .V_PointL
    End If
    With *.V_PointL
        .V_PosX = V_PosX
        .V_PosY = V_PosY
    End With
End With
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_Point_Edit(V_FontID as UInteger, V_ChrID as UInteger, V_PointListID as UInteger, V_PointID as UInteger, V_NewPosX as UInteger, V_NewPosY as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_FTGet(V_FontID)
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_FontIDNotFound
Dim TPLPtr as FBVF_INT_PointList_Type Ptr = TPtr->V_Font(V_ChrID).V_PointListF
Dim XLC as UInteger
Do Until TPLPtr = 0
    XLC += 1
    If XLC = V_PointListID Then Exit Do
    TPLPtr = TPLPtr->V_Next
If TPLPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_PointListIDNotFound
Dim TPPtr as FBVF_INT_Point_Type Ptr = TPLPtr->V_PointF
XLC = 0
Do Until TPPtr = 0
    XLC += 1
    If XLC = V_PointID Then
        With *TPPtr
            .V_PosX = V_NewPosX
            .V_PosY = V_NewPosY
        End With
        Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
    End If
    TPPtr = TPPtr->V_Next
Return FBVF_GURU_PointIDNotFound
End Function

Function FBVF_Point_Del(V_FontID as UInteger, V_ChrID as UInteger, V_PointListID as UInteger, V_PointID as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_Point_FillPointSet(V_FontID as UInteger, V_ChrID as UInteger, V_PointListID as UInteger, V_FillPointPosX as UInteger, V_FillPointPosY as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_FTGet(V_FontID)
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_FontIDNotFound
Dim TPLPtr as FBVF_INT_PointList_Type Ptr = TPtr->V_Font(V_ChrID).V_PointListF
Dim XLC as UInteger
Do Until TPLPtr = 0
    XLC += 1
    If XLC = V_PointListID Then Exit Do
    TPLPtr = TPLPtr->V_Next
If TPLPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_PointListIDNotFound
With *TPLPtr
    .V_FillPointX   = V_FillPointPosX
    .V_FillPointY   = V_FillPointPosY
End With
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_Point_FillPointGet(V_FontID as UInteger, V_ChrID as UInteger, V_PointListID as UInteger, ByRef R_FillPointPosX as UInteger, ByRef R_FillPointPosY as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_FTGet(V_FontID)
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_FontIDNotFound
Dim TPLPtr as FBVF_INT_PointList_Type Ptr = TPtr->V_Font(V_ChrID).V_PointListF
Dim XLC as UInteger
Do Until TPLPtr = 0
    XLC += 1
    If XLC = V_PointListID Then Exit Do
    TPLPtr = TPLPtr->V_Next
If TPLPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_PointListIDNotFound
With *TPLPtr
    R_FillPointPosX = .V_FillPointX
    R_FillPointPosY = .V_FillPointY
End With
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_Point_GetPLPID(V_FontID as UInteger, V_ChrID as UInteger, V_PosX as UInteger, V_PosY as UInteger, ByRef R_PointListID as UInteger, ByRef R_PointID as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
R_PointListID = 0
R_PointID = 0
Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_FTGet(V_FontID)
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_FontIDNotFound
Dim TPLPtr as FBVF_INT_PointList_Type Ptr = TPtr->V_Font(V_ChrID).V_PointListF
Dim TPPtr as FBVF_INT_Point_Type Ptr
Dim XLC as UInteger
Dim XPC as UInteger
Do Until TPLPtr = 0
    XLC += 1
    XPC = 0
    TPPtr = TPLPtr->V_PointF
    Do Until TPPtr = 0
        XPC += 1
        With *TPPtr
            If (.V_PosX = V_PosX) and (.V_PosY = V_PosY) Then
                R_PointListID = XLC
                R_PointID = XPC
                Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
            End If
        End With
        TPPtr = TPPtr->V_Next
    TPLPtr = TPLPtr->V_Next
Return FBVF_GURU_PointIDNotFound
End Function

Function FBVF_Point_GetList(V_FontID as UInteger, V_ChrID as UInteger, R_PointListDX() as UInteger, R_PointListDY() as UInteger, ByRef R_PointListC as UInteger) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
R_PointListC = 0
Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_FTGet(V_FontID)
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_FontIDNotFound
Dim TPLPtr as FBVF_INT_PointList_Type Ptr = TPtr->V_Font(V_ChrID).V_PointListF
Dim TPPtr as FBVF_INT_Point_Type Ptr
Dim TAC as UInteger
Do Until TPLPtr = 0
    TPPtr = TPLPtr->V_PointF
    Do Until TPPtr = 0
        With *TPPtr
            R_PointListC += 1
            If TAC < R_PointListC Then
                TAC += 10
                ReDim Preserve R_PointListDX(TAC) as UInteger
                ReDim Preserve R_PointListDY(TAC) as UInteger
            End If
            R_PointListDX(R_PointListC) = .V_PosX
            R_PointListDY(R_PointListC) = .V_PosY
        End With
        TPPtr = TPPtr->V_Next
    TPLPtr = TPLPtr->V_Next
ReDim Preserve R_PointListDX(R_PointListC) as UInteger
ReDim Preserve R_PointListDY(R_PointListC) as UInteger
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_DrawChr(V_FontID as UInteger, V_ChrID as UByte, V_ToPosX as Integer, V_ToPosY as Integer, V_ImagePtr as Any Ptr = 0, V_Size as UInteger = 10, V_SizeWidth as UInteger = 0, V_SizeHeight as UInteger = 0, V_BorderColor as UInteger = &HFFFFFF, V_FillColor as UInteger = &HFFFFFF, V_SizeMultiple as Double = 0, V_Monospace as UByte = 1) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
'V_SizeWidth / V_SizeHeight überschreibt (wenn beide grösser 0), die V_Size Angabe
'V_SizeMultiple überschreibt V_Width / V_Height und V_Size, wenn wert grösser 0
Dim TPX as UInteger
Dim TPY as UInteger
Dim TOX as UInteger
Dim TOY as UInteger
If V_Monospace = 0 Then FBVF_Chr_Dimension(V_FontID, V_ChrID, V_Size, TPX, TPY, V_SizeWidth, V_SizeHeight, V_SizeMultiple, TOX, TOY)

Dim TPtr as FBVF_INT_Type Ptr = FBVF_INT_FTGet(V_FontID)
If TPtr = 0 Then MutexUnLock(FBVF_INT_Mutex): Return FBVF_GURU_FontIDNotFound
Dim TPLPtr as FBVF_INT_PointList_Type Ptr = TPtr->V_Font(V_ChrID).V_PointListF
Dim TPPtr as FBVF_INT_Point_Type Ptr
Dim XC as UInteger = 1
Dim XFPX as UInteger
Dim XFPY as UInteger
Dim DD() as FBVF_INT_XPoint_Type
Do Until TPLPtr = 0
    With *TPLPtr
        TPPtr = .V_PointF
        If TPPtr > 0 Then
            XC = 1
            XFPX = TPPtr->V_PosX
            XFPY = TPPtr->V_PosY
            TPPtr = TPPtr->V_Next
            Do Until TPPtr = 0
                XC += 1
                If V_SizeMultiple = 0 Then
                    Line V_ImagePtr, (V_ToPosX - TOX + Fix(XFPX * V_SizeMultiple), V_ToPosY - TOY + Fix(XFPY * V_SizeMultiple))-(V_ToPosX - TOX + Fix(TPPtr->V_PosX * V_SizeMultiple), V_ToPosY - TOY + Fix(TPPtr->V_PosY * V_SizeMultiple)), V_BorderColor
                End If
                XFPX = TPPtr->V_PosX
                XFPY = TPPtr->V_PosY
                TPPtr = TPPtr->V_Next
            If XC >= 3 Then
'               If (.V_FillPointX > 0) and (.V_FillPointY > 0) Then
                    If V_SizeMultiple = 0 Then
                        Redim DD(XC) as FBVF_INT_XPoint_Type
                        XC = 0
                        TPPtr = .V_PointF
                        Do Until TPPtr = 0
                            If V_SizeMultiple = 0 Then
                                DD(XC).V_X = V_ToPosX - TOX + Fix(TPPtr->V_PosX * V_SizeMultiple)
                                DD(XC).V_Y = V_ToPosY - TOY + Fix(TPPtr->V_PosY * V_SizeMultiple)
                            End If
                            XC += 1
                            TPPtr = TPPtr->V_Next
                        FBVF_INT_FillPolygon(V_ImagePtr, DD(), XC - 1, V_FillColor)
'                       Paint V_ImagePtr, (V_ToPosX - TOX + Fix(.V_FillPointX * V_SizeMultiple), V_ToPosY - TOY + Fix(.V_FillPointY * V_SizeMultiple)), V_FillColor, V_BorderColor
                    End If
'               End If
            End If
        End If
    End With
    TPLPtr = TPLPtr->V_Next
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function

Function FBVF_DrawString(V_FontID as UInteger, V_Text as String, V_ToPosX as Integer, V_ToPosY as Integer, V_ImagePtr as Any Ptr = 0, V_Size as UInteger = 10, V_SizeWidth as UInteger = 0, V_SizeHeight as UInteger = 0, V_BorderColor as UInteger = &HFFFFFF, V_FillColor as UInteger = &HFFFFFF, V_SizeMultiple as Double = 0, V_ChrSpace as UInteger = 8, V_Monospace as UByte = 1) as FBVF_GuruCode_Enum
Dim XPX as UInteger = V_ToPosX
Dim XPY as UInteger = V_ToPosY
Dim TPX as UInteger
Dim TPY as UInteger
Dim TOX as UInteger
Dim TOY as UInteger
For X as UInteger = 1 to Len(V_Text)
    FBVF_DrawChr(V_FontID, V_Text[X - 1], XPX, XPY, V_ImagePtr, V_Size, V_SizeWidth, V_SizeHeight, V_BorderColor, V_FillColor, V_SizeMultiple, V_Monospace)
    FBVF_Chr_Dimension(V_FontID, V_Text[X - 1], V_Size, TPX, TPY, V_SizeWidth, V_SizeHeight, V_SizeMultiple, TOX, TOY)
    If V_Monospace = 0 Then
        If TPX > 0 Then
            If V_SizeMultiple = 0 Then
            Else: XPX += TPX + (V_ChrSpace * V_SizeMultiple)
            End If
        End If
        If TPX > 0 Then
            If V_SizeMultiple = 0 Then
            Else: XPX += (FBVF_INT_FontMaxWidth * V_SizeMultiple) + (V_ChrSpace * V_SizeMultiple)
            End If
        End If
    End If
Return FBVF_GURU_NoError
End Function