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Code-Beispiele » Verschlüsselung

HMAC-SHA1 Token (Time-based)

Lizenz:Erster Autor:Letzte Bearbeitung:
k. A.MitgliedNeo7530 07.11.2012

Das ist ein Token-Programm nach HMAC-SHA1, so wie er z.B. vom Google Authenticator benutzt wird.

Einfach am Ende des Codes die BASE32 Codierten Strings eintragen und bei Bedarf den Token berechnen lassen. Berechnet wird das ganze mit dem Unix-Timestamp (MEZ -1 Stunde) evtl anpassen. Der Timestamp wird komplett händisch erzeugt. Es wird ausserdem die SHA1-Bibliothek benötigt (hier in der Codebase zum Download).

Ich benutze das Programm momentan, und die benötigten OTP's haben bisher immer gepasst... ;)

Viel Spass damit.

#Include "SHA1Checksum.bas"
Screen 10
Declare Function hmac(tokentime As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function unixzeit(jahr As Integer,monat As Integer, tag As Integer, stunde As Integer, Minute As Integer, sekunde As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function base32dec(text As String) As String
Declare FUNCTION removespace(text As string) As String

Dim Shared As String secret
'Dim Shared As Integer laenge

? "Zeitbasiertes One-Time-Pad nach HMAC-SHA1. (Google,Dropbox,Wordpress,SSHD)"

Locate 5,1
  Dim MONAT as Integer
  MONAT = Val(Mid(Date,1,2))

  Dim TAG as Integer
  TAG = Val(Mid(Date,4,5))

  Dim JAHR as Integer
  JAHR = Val(Mid(Date,7,10))

  Dim STUNDE as Integer
  STUNDE = Val(Mid(time,1,2))

  Dim MINUT as Integer
  MINUT = Val(Mid(Time,4,5))

  Dim SEKUNDE as Integer
  SEKUNDE = Val(Mid(Time,7,8))
Dim UTC As Integer = stunde -1

? "MEZ:          ";Time
? "Datum:      ";Date

Dim unixtime As Integer = unixzeit(JAHR,MONAT,TAG,UTC,MINUT,SEKUNDE)
Dim tokentime As Integer = Int((unixzeit(JAHR,MONAT,TAG,UTC,MINUT,SEKUNDE))/30)

? Using "UNIX-Zeit:  ##########";unixtime
? Using "TOKEN-Zeit: ##########";tokentime

Restore dropbox
Read secret
secret = base32dec(removespace(secret))
? Using "Dropbox-TOKEN:  ######";hmac(tokentime)

Restore vdr
Read secret
secret = base32dec(removespace(secret))
? Using "VDR-TOKEN:      ######";hmac(tokentime)

Restore google
Read secret
secret = base32dec(removespace(secret))
? Using "Google TOKEN:   ######";hmac(tokentime)

Sleep 1000
Loop Until MultiKey(1)

FUNCTION removespace(text As string) As String
Dim ntext As String
FOR i As Integer = 0 To LEN(Text)
 IF MID(Text,i,1) <> " " THEN ntext=ntext+MID(Text,i,1)
Return ntext
END Function

Function base32dec(text As String) As String
    Const As String alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567"
    Dim As Integer i,k
    Dim As Integer p
    Dim As LongInt nr
    Dim As String result, result1
    Dim As String*1 txt
    text = UCase(text)

    If Len(text) Mod 8 > 0 Then
        For i = 1 To 8 - (Len(text) Mod 8)
            text += "="

    result = ""
    nr = 0
    For k = 0 To Len(text)/8 -1
        result = ""
        For i =   k*8 to k*8 +7
            txt = text[i]
            p = InStr(1,alphabet,txt)
            If p > 0 Then
                nr = nr * 32 + (p - 1)
                nr = nr * 32
'           ? nr
        For i = 0 To Len(text) / 2

            result += chr(nr mod 256)
            nr = nr \ 256
        For i = 4 To 0 Step -1
            result1 += Chr(result[i])
        Return result1
End Function

Function unixzeit(jahr As Integer,monat As Integer, tag As Integer, stunde As Integer, Minute As Integer, sekunde As Integer) As Integer
    Dim unix_zeit As integer, jahre As integer, schaltjahre As Integer
    Static As Integer tage_bis_monatsanfang(0 To 11) = {0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334}

    schaltjahre=((jahr-1)-1968)/4 - ((jahr-1)-1900)/100 + ((jahr-1)-1600)/400
    unix_zeit=sekunde + 60 * Minute + 60*60*(stunde) + (tage_bis_monatsanfang(monat-1)+tag-1)*60*60*24 + (jahre*365+schaltjahre)*60*60*24

    If ( (monat<3) And (jahr Mod 4 = 0 AND (jahr Mod 100 > 0 OR jahr Mod 400 = 0)) ) Then unix_zeit-=60*60*24
    Return unix_zeit
End Function

Function hmac(tokentime As Integer) As Integer

Dim As Integer totp, offset
Dim As UByte int2str
Dim As String plaintext, tktime_st, hash_st, plaintext1, ipad_hash, fhash_st

Dim As UByte ipad(63) = {_

Dim As UByte opad(63) = {_

For i As Integer = 0 To Len(secret)
    ipad(i) = ipad(i) Xor secret[i]
    opad(i) = opad(i) Xor secret[i]

For i As Integer = 0 To 63
    plaintext += Chr(ipad(i))

    int2str = (tokentime Shr 24)
    tktime_st += Chr(int2str)
    int2str = (tokentime Shr 16)
    tktime_st += Chr(int2str)
    int2str = (tokentime Shr 8)
    tktime_st += Chr(int2str)
    int2str = tokentime
    tktime_st += Chr(int2str)

For i As Integer = 0 To 3
    plaintext += Chr(&h00)

plaintext += tktime_st

ipad_hash = createSHA1(plaintext)

For i As Integer = 0 To 4
    int2str = (hash(i) Shr 24)
    hash_st += Chr(int2str)
    int2str = (hash(i) Shr 16)
    hash_st += Chr(int2str)
    int2str = (hash(i) Shr 8)
    hash_st += Chr(int2str)
    int2str = hash(i)
    hash_st += Chr(int2str)

For i As Integer = 0 To 63
    plaintext1 += Chr(opad(i))

plaintext1 += hash_st
ipad_hash = createSHA1(plaintext1)

For i As Integer = 0 To 4
    int2str = (hash(i) Shr 24)
    fhash_st += Chr(int2str)
    int2str = (hash(i) Shr 16)
    fhash_st += Chr(int2str)
    int2str = (hash(i) Shr 8)
    fhash_st += Chr(int2str)
    int2str = hash(i)
    fhash_st += Chr(int2str)

    offset= fhash_st[19] And &h0F
    totp = (fhash_st[offset]) Shl 24 Or (fhash_st[offset+1]) Shl 16 Or (fhash_st[offset+2]) Shl 8 Or (fhash_st[offset+3])

    totp and= &h7FFFFFFF
    totp Mod= 1000000
 Return totp
End Function

Data "knp 56vk xnafg esa aak"
Data "das ist nen test 234567"

Zusätzliche Informationen und Funktionen
  • Das Code-Beispiel wurde am 06.11.2012 von MitgliedNeo7530 angelegt.
  • Die aktuellste Version wurde am 07.11.2012 von MitgliedNeo7530 gespeichert.
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