Windows-Programmierung. Das Entwicklerhandbuch zur WIN32-API
Windows-Programmierung. Das Entwicklerhandbuch zur WIN32-API
"Der" Petzold, das über 1000 Seiten starke Standardwerk zum Win32-API - besonders nützlich u. a. bei der GUI-Programmierung in FreeBASIC! [Mehr Infos...]
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Datum/Zeit:13.10.2009 11:04:28
Hinweis: Dieser Quelltext ist Bestandteil des Projekts GuiPtr, zu dem es auf FreeBASIC-Portal.de eine Projektseite gibt.

#include once "GuiPtr.bi"
#include once "GuiWindow.bi"

'Game Of Life:

Type GameOfLife
    VWindow as GuiWindow = GuiWindow(0,0,136,176,"It's living...")
    ViewField as any ptr = imageCreate(128,128,RGB(0,0,0))
    GolField(1 to 2, 0 to 129, 0 to 129) as ubyte
    AField as ubyte = 1
    BField as ubyte = 2
    FPS as integer
    LastFrame as double
    FrameCounter as integer
    ImageRotation as integer
    declare sub CalcOneStep()
    declare sub ShowGOLBuffer()
    declare sub RandomizeAll()
    declare sub EraseAll()
    declare function CountAround(x as integer ,y as integer) as integer
    declare constructor (left as integer, top as integer,title as string)
end type

Sub RedrawVWindow(GO as any ptr)
    dim G as GameOfLife ptr = GO
    dim w as integer = G->VWindow.Object->width -8
    dim h as integer = G->VWindow.Object->height -48
    'dump str(w) & " " & str(h)
    Dim TmpImage as any ptr = imagecreate(w,h,RGB(0,0,0))

    rotozoom_alpha2( TmpImage, G->ViewField, w / 2, h / 2, G->ImageRotation, w / 128, h / 128)
    Put G->VWindow.Object->Buffer, (4,46), TmpImage,PSET
    imageDestroy TmpImage
end sub

Constructor GameOfLife(left as integer, top as integer, title as string)
    VWindow.Object->ClassName = "GameOfLife"
    VWindow.Object->Left = left
    VWindow.Object->top = top
    VWindow.Object->MyObject = @This
    VWindow.Object->DrawPriority = 0
    VWindow.Object->PublicEvents->OnDraw = @RedrawVWindow
    VWindow.title = title
end constructor

Sub GameOfLife.ShowGOLBuffer()
    for x as integer = 1 to 128
        for y as integer = 1 to 128
           if GolField(AField,x,y) = 1 then
               pset ViewField,(x,y),RGB(255,255,255)
               pset ViewField,(x,y),RGB(0,0,0)
            end if
end sub

sub GameOfLife.EraseAll()
    for i as integer = 1 to 128 * 128 / 2
        GolField(AField,int(RND*127)+1,int(RND*127)+1) = 0
end sub

sub GameOfLife.RandomizeAll()
    dim tx as integer, ty as integer
    for i as integer = 1 to 128 * 128 / 2
        tx = int(RND*127)+1
        ty = int(RND*127)+1
        GolField(AField,tx,ty) = 1
end sub

Function GameOfLife.CountAround(x as integer ,y as integer) as integer
    'Drumrum zählen
    Dim c as integer
    for dx as integer = -1 to 1
        for dy as integer = -1 to 1
            if GolField(AField, x+dx,y+dy) = 1 then C = C +1
    return C
end function

Sub GameOfLife.CalcOneStep()
    'Ränder Spiegeln
    dim tmp as ubyte
    Dim pixdata As Any Ptr, pitch As Integer
    Dim As UInteger Ptr p
    if LastFrame = 0 then LastFrame = Timer
    for x as integer = 1 to 128
        GolField(AField,x,0) = GolField(AField,x,128)
        GolField(AField,0,x) = GolField(AField,128,x)
        GolField(AField,x,129) = GolField(AField,x,1)
        GolField(AField,129,x) = GolField(AField,1,x)
    'Einmal übers feld laufen...
    for x as integer = 1 to 128
        for y as integer = 1 to 128
            'Dump "x" & x & " y" & y
            GolField(BField, x,y) = GolField(AField, x,y)
            tmp = CountAround(x,y)
            if tmp = 3 then GolField(BField, x,y) = 1
            if tmp < 3 then GolField(BField, x,y) = 0
            if tmp > 4 then GolField(BField, x,y) = 0
    swap AField, BField
    FrameCounter += 1
    If LastFrame + 2 <= timer then
        FPS = FrameCounter / 2
        FrameCounter = 0
        LastFrame = Timer
    end if
end sub