Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
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Function Text File to Array very fast

Datum/Zeit:23.01.2013 10:37:39
Hinweis: Dieser Quelltext ist Bestandteil des Projekts CSED_FB multi-language Windows IDE for FreeBasic, zu dem es auf FreeBASIC-Portal.de eine Projektseite gibt.

'Function Text File to Array very fast
'Copy text file content in array , 1 element by text line  ( separator CrLf )
'Dim File_Nom As String  ' File name
'Dim RET()As String      ' Array base(0)
'Dim Nb as Integer       ' Nb  of elements

' the array will have nb + 1 elements because
'      RET(0) for the number of elements/lines (as string)
'Usage :
'      Nb = Fil_Tabl_Str ( File_Nom , RET() )
Function Fil_Tabl_Str( File_Nom As String, RET() As String) As Integer
        '' note that this function assignes the memory for the array to the first pointer
      '' so freeing this pointer frees the full array.

    Dim As Integer DMAX=0
    Dim RES() As ZString Ptr
    Dim As Integer I1 , fini
    Dim As ZString Ptr p , p1 , p2, p3
    Dim As Integer LDelimit = 2
    Dim As Integer result
    Dim As Integer Posi()
    Dim As String DELIMIT= Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)
    Dim fileData As UByte Ptr
    Dim  As Integer fileSize
    Dim  As Integer myHandle
    Dim As String Cont, TEXT
    myHandle = Freefile()
    result = Open (File_Nom For Binary As #myHandle )
    If result <> 0 Then
       ReDim RET(1)
       RET(0) = "0"
       Function= 0
       Exit Function
    fileSize = LOF(myHandle)
    If fileSize=0 Then
       ReDim RET(1)
       RET(0) = "0"
       Function= 0
       Close #myHandle
       Exit Function

    fileData = Allocate(fileSize)
    Get #myHandle, 0, *fileData, fileSize
    Close #myHandle
    Cont= *fileData

    ' count the delimiters
    p = fileData
        Do While *p
            If *p = DELIMIT[0] Then
                If *p = DELIMIT[1] Then
                    If p= fileData +fileSize-1 Then  fini=1  ' fini avec le délimiter
                    ReDim Preserve Posi(0 To DMAX-1)
                    Posi(DMAX-1)=p3 - p1 +1

        If DMAX=0  Then        ' aucun délimiter trouvé
            ReDim RET(2)
            RET(0) = "1"
            RET(1) =Left$(Cont,fileSize)  ' copy the full text

            Return DMAX
            Exit Function

        ' dimention the array and assign memory to first element
        If fini=0 Then DMAX+=1
        ReDim RET(0 To DMAX)
        ReDim RES(0 To DMAX-1)

        RES(0) = fileData
        '*RES(0) = TEXT       ' copy the full text

        ' step through the string, setting pointers for each element and null terminating
        p = RES(0)

        For I1 = 0 To DMAX-2
           p2= p + Posi(I1) -1
           *p2 = 0                          ' null terminate each element
           RES(I1+1) = p2 + LDelimit        ' set pointer to next element

        p2= p+Posi(DMAX-1) -1

        *p2 = 0
        RET(0)= Str$(DMAX)
        'Deallocate RES(0)

    Return DMAX
End Function