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Code-Beispiele » Mathematik

Komplexe Zahlen

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GPLRedakteurnemored 15.09.2007

In der Physik und angewandten Mathematik lassen sich viele Berechnungen mit Hilfe der komplexen Zahlen einfacher ausführen. Der unten stehende Code stellt einige Funktionen zum Rechnen mit komplexen Zahlen zur Verfügung. Die Zahlen können dabei in der algebraischen Form oder in der Polarform angesprochen werden.

type complex
  as double real, imag  ' Real- und Imaginaerteil
  as double abs, arg    ' Betrag und Argument
end type

declare function newCartesian(byval real as double, byval imag as double) as complex
declare function newPolar(byval abs as double, byval arg as double) as complex
declare function complexAdd(byval c1 as complex, byval c2 as complex) as complex
declare function complexSub(byval c1 as complex, byval c2 as complex) as complex
declare function complexMult(byval c1 as complex, byval c2 as complex) as complex
declare function complexDiv(byval c1 as complex, byval c2 as complex) as complex
declare function complexConj(byval c as complex) as complex
declare function complexReci(byval c as complex) as complex
declare sub polar2cartesian(byref c as complex)
declare sub cartesian2polar(byref c as complex)
declare function strCartesian overload (byval c as complex) as string
declare function strCartesian(byval c as complex, byval p as ubyte) as string
declare function strPolar overload (byval c as complex) as string
declare function strPolar(byval c as complex, byval p as ubyte) as string

function newCartesian(byval real as double, byval imag as double) as complex
  ' neue komplexe Zahl anhand von Real- und Imaginaerteil definieren
  dim as complex ret
  ret.real = real
  ret.imag = imag
  return ret
end function

function newPolar(byval r as double, byval phi as double) as complex
  ' neue komplexe Zahl anhand der Polarkoordinaten definieren
  dim as complex ret
  ret.abs = r
  ret.arg = phi
  return ret
end function

function complexAdd(byval c1 as complex, byval c2 as complex) as complex
  ' addiert zwei komplexe Zahlen
  dim as complex ret
  ret.real = c1.real + c2.real
  ret.imag = c1.imag + c2.imag
  return ret
end function

function complexSub(byval c1 as complex, byval c2 as complex) as complex
  ' subtrahiert zwei komplexe Zahlen
  dim as complex ret
  ret.real = c1.real - c2.real
  ret.imag = c1.imag - c2.imag
  return ret
end function

function complexMult(byval c1 as complex, byval c2 as complex) as complex
  ' multipliziert zwei komplexe Zahlen
  dim as complex ret
  ret.abs = c1.abs * c2.abs
  ret.arg = c1.arg + c2.arg
  return ret
end function

function complexDiv(byval c1 as complex, byval c2 as complex) as complex
  ' dividiert zwei komplexe Zahlen
  dim as complex ret
  ret.abs = c1.abs / c2.abs
  ret.arg = c1.arg - c2.arg
  return ret
end function

function complexConj(byval c as complex) as complex
  ' bildet die konjugiert komplexe Zahl
  dim as complex ret
  ret = newCartesian(c.real, -c.imag)
  return ret
end function

function complexReci(byval c as complex) as complex
  dim ret as complex
  if c.real=0 and c.imag=0 then
    ret = newCartesian(0, 0)
    ret = newCartesian(c.real/c.abs^2, -c.imag/c.abs^2)
  end if
  return ret
end function

sub polar2cartesian(byref c as complex)
  ' ermittelt Real- und Imaginaerteil, wenn die Polarkoordinaten bekannt sind
  dim as complex ret
  c.real = c.abs * cos(c.arg)
  c.imag = c.abs * sin(c.arg)
end sub

sub cartesian2polar(byref c as complex)
  ' ermittelt die Polarkoordinaten, wenn Real- und Imaginaerteil bekannt sind
  dim as complex ret
  c.abs = sqr(c.real^2 + c.imag^2)
  if c.abs = 0 then
    c.arg = -1
  elseif c.imag >= 0 then
    c.arg = acos(c.real/c.abs)
    c.arg = -acos(c.real/c.abs)
  end if
end sub

function strCartesian(byval c as complex) as string
  return strCartesian(c, 8)
end function
function strCartesian(byval c as complex, byval p as ubyte) as string
  ' gibt die komplexe Zahl in der Form a+bi zurueck (gerundet auf p Stellen)
  dim as string ret
  ret = str(int(c.real*10^p+.5)/10^p)
  if c.imag > 0 then ret += "+"
  if c.imag <> 0 then ret += str(int(c.imag*10^p+.5)/10^p) + "i"
  return ret
end function

function strPolar(byval c as complex) as string
  return strPolar(c, 8)
end function
function strPolar(byval c as complex, byval p as ubyte) as string
  ' gibt die komplexe Zahl in der Form rE(phi) zurueck
  dim as string ret
  ret = str(int(c.abs*10^p+.5)/10^p)
  if c.arg<>0 and c.abs<>0 then ret += "E(" + str(int(c.arg*10^p+.5)/10^p) + ")"
  return ret
end function

Einfache Rechenbeispiele:

dim as complex c, d
c = newCartesian(5, 7)   ' c = 5 + 7i
d = newCartesian(3, -4)  ' d = 2 - 4i
' Addition; Ausgabe in algebraischer Form
print strCartesian(c); " + "; strCartesian(d);
print " = "; strCartesian(complexAdd(c, d))
' Multiplikation; Ausgabe in Polarform (4 Nachkommastellen)
print strPolar(c, 4); " * "; strPolar(d, 4);
print " = "; strPolar(complexMult(c, d), 4)
'reziproker Wert
print "1 / ("; strCartesian(d);
print ") = "; strCartesian(complexReci(d))

Zusätzliche Informationen und Funktionen
  • Das Code-Beispiel wurde am 15.09.2007 von Redakteurnemored angelegt.
  • Die aktuellste Version wurde am 15.09.2007 von Redakteurnemored gespeichert.
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