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Code-Beispiele » Dateien und Laufwerke

Arbeiten mit INI-Dateien

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k. A.Mitgliedstephanbrunker 05.11.2015

Wenn man bestimmte Parameter zwischenspeichern will, bietet sich eine INI-Datei an. Diese ist im Format als normale Textdatei gespeichert und ist wie folgt formatiert:


parameter=wert ;kommentar


Im Code sind nun eine ganze Menge Funktionen, die aber zum Teil nur innerhalb des Codes benötigt werden. Wichtig bei der Nutzung sind die folgenden:

Alle Funktionen sind so geschrieben, das man für das Ergebnis (z.B. wert) einen leeren String an die Funktion übergibt, der dann gefüllt zurückgegeben wird. Das gleiche auch bei den Arrays, die allerdings mit ReDim dimensioniert sein müssen. Die Eingaben mit Dateipfad, Sektion und Parameter sind wohl selbsterklärend.

Streng genommen sollen bei Sektionen und Parametern Groß- und Kleinschreibung ignoriert werden, meine Version macht das jedoch nicht.

Die Funktionen InsStr(zum Einfügen eines Strings in einen anderen) und ReplStr(ersetzt Teil eines Strings) und die Definition für TRUE und FALSE gehören eigentlich unter die kleinen Helferlein, sind hier aber mit aufgeführt weil verwendet.

Hier jedenfalls der Code:

#Include Once "File.bi"

#Ifndef TRUE
    #Define TRUE -1
    #Define FALSE 0

'Insert a String in another
Function InsStr(ByRef s As String,ByVal po As Integer,ByRef ins As String) As String
    Dim l As Integer = Len((s))
    If po > l Then
        Return s & ins
    ElseIf po = 0 Then
        Return ins & s
    ElseIf po < 0 Then
        Print "negativ einfügen nicht möglich":Sleep:End
    'divide string in two parts
    Dim As String s1,s2
    Return s1 & ins & s2
End Function

'Replace part of a String
Function ReplStr(ByRef s As String,ByVal po As Integer,ByVal rlen as Integer,ByRef ins As String) as String
    Dim l As Integer = Len((s))
    If po > l Then
        Return s & ins
    ElseIf po = 0 Then
        Return ins & s
    ElseIf po < 0 Then
        Print "negativ einfügen nicht möglich":Sleep:End
    Dim as String s1,s2
    Return s1 & ins & s2
End Function

Function IniStringGetSectionPos(ByRef inistring As String, ByRef section As String, ByRef startpos As ULong, ByRef endpos As ULong) As Integer
    Dim As ULong index,i
    Dim As ULong fclen = Len((inistring))
    Dim As UByte flag
    index = 1
    For i = index To fclen
        If inistring[i-1]=91 Then     ' [ - Section title start
            If flag = 1 Then            'end of section wanted - start of new section
                endpos = i-1
                Return TRUE
                index = i
            End If
        ElseIf inistring[i-1]=93 Then     ' ] - Section title end
            If Mid(inistring,index+1,i-index-1) = section Then
                index = i
                startpos = i+3          'skip Chr(13,10)
                flag = 1
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    If flag = 1 Then
        endpos = fclen      'end of section wanted - eof
        Return TRUE
        startpos = fclen + 1
        Return FALSE
End Function

Function IniStringGetRowPos(ByRef inistring As String, ByRef param As String, ByRef startpos As ULong, ByRef endpos As ULong) As Integer
    Dim As ULong i, index
    Dim As ULong ep = endpos
    Dim As UByte flag
    Dim As ULong slen = Len((inistring))
    index = startpos
    For i = index To ep
        If inistring[i-1] = 59 Then                ' ; comment
            flag = 1 'comment
        ElseIf inistring[i-1] = 61 And flag = 0 Then           ' = gefunden
            If Mid(inistring,index,i-index) = param Then
                startpos = index
                flag = 2
            End If
        ElseIf inistring[i-1] = 13 And inistring[i] = 10 Then     'carriage return
            If flag = 2 Then
                endpos = i+1
                Return TRUE
            End If
            flag = 0
            index = i + 2
        End If
    Next i
    Return FALSE
End Function

Function IniGetString (ByRef filepath As String, ByRef fc As String) As Integer
    If Not FileExists(filepath) Then Return FALSE
   Dim ff As ULong = FreeFile
   Open filepath For Binary As #ff
    Dim As ULong fclen = Lof(ff)
    fc = Space(fclen)
    Get #ff,1,fc
    Close #ff
    Return TRUE
End Function

Function IniPutString(ByRef filepath As String, ByRef fc As String) As Integer
    Kill filepath
    Dim ff As ULong = FreeFile
    Open filepath For Binary As #ff
    Put #ff,,fc
    Close #ff
    Return TRUE
End Function

Function IniGetSection (ByRef filepath As String,ByRef sectionwanted As String,ByRef sectioncontent As String) As Integer
    Dim fc As String
    If IniGetString(filepath,fc) = FALSE Then Return FALSE
    Dim As ULong startpos, endpos
    If IniStringGetSectionPos(fc,sectionwanted,startpos,endpos) = FALSE Then Return FALSE
    sectioncontent = Mid(fc,startpos,endpos-startpos+1)
    Return TRUE
End Function

Function IniStringGetParam(ByRef fc As String, ByRef section As String, ByRef param As String, ByRef wert As String) As Integer
    Dim slen As ULong = Len((fc))
    Dim As ULong i,j,index, startindex, endindex
    If IniStringGetSectionPos(fc,section,startindex,endindex) = FALSE Then Return FALSE
    If IniStringGetRowPos(fc,param,startindex,endindex) = FALSE Then Return FALSE
    'divide param and content
    index = startindex
    slen = endindex
    For i = index To slen
        If fc[i-1] = 61 Then           ' = gefunden
            index = i + 1
        ElseIf fc[i-1] = 13 And fc[i] = 10 Then     'carriage return
            wert = Mid(fc,index,i-index)
            Return TRUE
        End If
    Next i
    Return FALSE
End Function

Function IniGetParam(ByRef filepath As String, ByRef section As String, ByRef param As String, ByRef wert As String) As Integer
   Dim fc As String
   If IniGetString(filepath,fc) = FALSE Then Return FALSE
   If IniStringGetParam(fc, section, param,wert) = FALSE Then Return FALSE
   Return TRUE
End Function

Function IniSetParam(ByRef filepath As String, ByRef section As String, ByRef param As String, ByRef wert As String) As Integer
    Dim As String fc,fcbegin,fcend,fcsection
    If IniGetString(filepath,fc) = FALSE Then Return FALSE  'can't open file
    Dim As ULong startpos, endpos
    If IniStringGetSectionPos(fc,section,startpos,endpos) = FALSE Then 'section doesn't exist - append section
        fc &= "[" & section & "]" & Chr(13,10) & param & "=" & wert & Chr(13,10)
        If IniStringGetRowPos(fc,param,startpos,endpos) = FALSE Then     'row doesn't exist - append row to section
            fc = InsStr(fc,endpos+1,param & "=" & wert & Chr(13,10))
            fc = ReplStr(fc,startpos,endpos-startpos+1,param & "=" & wert & Chr(13,10))
        End If
    End If
    Return TRUE
End Function

Function IniDeleteParam(ByRef filepath As String, ByRef section As String, ByRef param As String) As Integer
    Dim As String fc
   If IniGetString(filepath,fc) = FALSE Then Return FALSE
    Dim As ULong startpos, endpos
    If IniStringGetSectionPos(fc,section,startpos,endpos) = FALSE Then Return FALSE
    If IniStringGetRowPos(fc,param,startpos,endpos) = FALSE Then Return FALSE
    fc = Left(fc,startpos-1) & Right(fc,Len((fc))-endpos)  'skip Chr(13,10)
   Return TRUE
End Function

'put section in two arrays of params and contents
Function IniGetSectionArray(ByRef filepath As String, ByRef section As String,params() As String, werte() As String) As Integer
    Dim sc As String
   If IniGetSection(filepath,section,sc) = FALSE Then Return FALSE
    Dim As ULong index = 1
    Dim As ULong i
    Dim As ULong arrayindex = 1
    Dim As ULong slen = Len((sc))
    Dim As UByte flag
    For i = index To slen
        If sc[i-1] = 59 Then                ' ; comment
            flag = 1
        ElseIf sc[i-1] = 61 And flag = 0 Then           ' = gefunden
            ReDim Preserve params(1 To arrayindex)
            ReDim Preserve werte(1 To arrayindex)
            params(arrayindex) = Mid(sc,index,i-index)
            index = i + 1
            flag = 2
        ElseIf sc[i-1] = 13 And sc[i] = 10 Then     'carriage return
           If flag = 2 Then
                werte(arrayindex) = Mid(sc,index,i-index)
                arrayindex += 1
           End If
           flag = 0
           index = i + 2
        End If
    Next i
    Return TRUE
End Function

Zusätzliche Informationen und Funktionen
  • Das Code-Beispiel wurde am 05.11.2015 von Mitgliedstephanbrunker angelegt.
  • Die aktuellste Version wurde am 05.11.2015 von Mitgliedstephanbrunker gespeichert.
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