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slack_halyard with fbsincos

Datum/Zeit:28.05.2012 14:57:39

'Slack halyard
'source from http://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=19911
'author: dodicat
'with extensions by AGS, TJF, ytwinky
  Screen 20,32,1,64 Or 1
  Dim  Shared As Integer xres,yres
  Screeninfo xres,yres

  Type _point
      As Single x,y
      As Uinteger col
  End Type

  Dim Shared As Any Pointer im
  Dim Shared As _point array(1 To 6561)

Sub FBSinCos(Angle As Double, byRef fbSin As Double, byRef fbCos As Double)
'©2008 by ytwinky, optimized by volta ;-))
    fld qword Ptr [Angle] 'Angle -> st(0)
    fsincos               'compute sin AND cos
    mov edx, [fbCos]      'Addr. of fbCos -> EDX
    fstp qword Ptr [edx]  'St(0) = cos -> fbCos
    mov edx, [fbSin]      'Addr. of fbSin -> EDX
    fstp qword Ptr [edx]  'St(0) = sin -> fbSin
  End Asm
End Sub

  #define rr(first,last) Rnd * (last - first) + first

Sub trees
    Var fsin=0.0, fcos=0.0
  Dim As Integer rotx,roty
  #macro turnline(piv,p1,p2,ang,col,d)
        FBSinCos(ang*.0174533, fsin, fcos)
    var rot1=Type<_point>(rotx,roty)
    var rot2=Type<_point>(rotx,roty)
    Line im,(rot1.x,rot1.y)-(rot2.x,rot2.y),col
  End Scope
  Dim As _point v1,v2,piv
  Dim As Uinteger treecol
  Dim As Double pivx,pivy,pivz,l,k
  Dim As Integer rd,g,b
  For m As Double=0 To 50 Step 5
    Randomize m
    For n As Double=200-(m+rr(2,20)) To 990+m Step rr(3,9)
      Randomize n^2
      Line im,(piv.x,piv.y)-(piv.x+rr(-2,5),piv.y+8),Rgb((100),(35),37)
      var cc=rr(1,40)
      For a As Double=90 To 450 Step 7
        Randomize a
        var shader=rr(1,6)
        g=150+shader:If g>40 Then g=g-40
        b=20+shader:If b>20 Then b=b-20
        For a2 As Double=0 To l Step .3
          If a>270 Then shader=-shader
        Next a2
      Next a
    Next n
  Next m
End Sub

Sub inspectimage
  Dim As Integer mx=550, my=552, count
  Dim As Uinteger tempcol
  For x As Integer=mx-80 To mx
    For y As Integer=my-80 To my
    Next y
  Next x
End Sub

Sub jack_AGS(x As Integer,y As Integer,s As Single,im As Any Pointer=0)
  Dim As Integer lx=60*s,ly=1*lx
  Line im,(x,y)-(x+lx,y+20*s),Rgb(255,0,0),bf
  Line im,(x,y+20*s)-(x+lx,y+40*s),Rgb(255,255,255),bf
  Line im,(x,y+40*s)-(x+lx,y+60*s),Rgb(0,0,227),bf
End Sub

Sub jack_dodicat(x As Integer, y As Integer, s As Single, im As Any Pointer=0)'union
  Dim As Integer lx=60*s, ly=1*lx
  Dim As Uinteger col
  Dim As Single st=-4*s, fi=0
  Line im,(x, y)-(x+lx, y+ly), RGB(0, 0, 200), bf
  For n As Integer=1 To 2
    For k As Single=st To fi
      If k>-1*s Or k<-3*s Then col=Rgb(255, 255, 255) Else col=Rgb(200, 0, 0)
      Line im,(x, y-k)-(x+lx, y+ly-k-4*s), col
      Line im,(x,y+ly-4*s-k)-(x+lx, y-k), col
      Line im,((x+lx/2)+k+2*s, y)-((x+lx/2)+k+2*s, y+ly), col
      Line im,(x, y+ly/2+k+2*s)-(x+lx, y+ly/2+k+2*s), col
    Next k
  Next n
End Sub

Sub jack_TJF1(x As Integer,y As Integer,s As Single,im As Any Pointer=0)
  Dim As Integer lx=60*s,ly=1*lx
  Line im,(x,y)-(x+lx,y+20*s),Rgb(0,0,0),bf
  Line im,(x,y+20*s)-(x+lx,y+40*s),Rgb(255,0,0),bf
  Line im,(x,y+40*s)-(x+lx,y+60*s),Rgb(227,227,0),bf
End Sub

Sub jack_TJF2(x As Integer,y As Integer,s As Single,im As Any Pointer=0)
  Dim As Integer lx=60*s,ly=1*lx
  Line im,(x,y)-(x+lx,y+20*s),Rgb(255,0,0),bf
  Line im,(x,y+20*s)-(x+lx,y+40*s),Rgb(255,255,255),bf
  Line im,(x,y+40*s)-(x+lx,y+60*s),Rgb(255,0,0),bf
End Sub

Sub jack_select()
  Select Case UCase(Command(1))
    Case "/AGS"
      jack_AGS(.45*xres, .61*yres, 1.5, im)
    Case "/TJF1"
      jack_TJF1(.45*xres, .61*yres, 1.5, im)
    Case "/TJF2"
      jack_TJF2(.45*xres, .61*yres, 1.5, im)
    Case Else
            jack_dodicat(.45*xres, .61*yres, 1.5, im)
  End Select
End Sub

Sub backdrop 'hills/trees
  #macro paintsketch(_function,minx,maxx,miny,maxy,r,g,b,alp)
  For x As Double=minx To maxx Step (maxx-minx)/10000
    var x1=(xres)*(x-minx)/(maxx-minx)
    var y1=(yres)*(_function-maxy)/(miny-maxy)
    If gr>g Then gr=g
    Line im,(x1,yres)-(x1,y1),Rgba(r,g-gr,b,alp)
  Next x
  For y As Integer=0 To yres
    Line im,(0,y)-(xres,y),Rgb(y*255/yres,y*255/yres,y*(255-200)/yres+200)
  Next y
  Dim As Double lasty,gr
End Sub

Sub flag(mag As Single=3,inc As Single=.001)
  Static As Single x
    Var fsin=0.0, fcos=0.0
  Dim As Integer mx=Any,my=Any,tx=Any,ty=Any,bx=Any,by=Any
  Dim As Integer rotx,roty
  Dim As Integer count
  For x As Integer=mx-80 To mx
    For y As Integer=my-80 To my
            FBSinCos(mag*.0174533, fsin, fcos)
      If count=1  Then tx=rotx:ty=roty
      If count=80 Then bx=rotx:by=roty
      Line (rotx-mag,roty-mag)-(rotx+mag,roty+mag),array(count).col,BF
    Next y
    Line(tx,ty)-(250,50) 'halyard
    For z As Integer=1 To 10
    Next z
  Next x
End Sub
Dim As Single count, mag, inc
Var fsin=0.0, fcos=0.0
  count += .01
  FBSinCos(count, fsin, fcos)
  If inc<.0001 And inc >-.0001 Then inc=rr(-.0001,.0001)
  flag mag,inc
  Sleep 10,1
Loop Until Len(Inkey)
imagedestroy im