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Datum/Zeit:26.08.2008 22:20:19

'###   F B - C O R E
'### Version:  1.00.0
'### Revision: 0
'### (c) 2008 By.: /_\ DeltaLab's Germany [experimental computing]
'### Author:       Martin Wiemann
'### Date of Idea: 2008.08.16 - 17:55:38
'### Copy('s) of this code or a part of this IS allowed!!!

'== begin temporaly code ==
DIM SHARED x_heap_end AS UInteger = 2 * 1024 * 1024

Private Function _mem_alloc (V_Length As UInteger) as Any Ptr
Dim XPtr as Any Ptr = Cast(Any Ptr, x_heap_end)
x_heap_end += V_Length
Return XPtr
End Function

Private Function _mem_realloc(V_MemPtr as Any Ptr, V_Length As UInteger) as Any Ptr
Dim XPtr as Any Ptr = Cast(Any Ptr, x_heap_end)
x_heap_end += V_Length
Return XPtr
End Function

Private Sub _mem_free(V_MemPtr as Any Ptr)
'V_MemPtr = 0
End Sub
'== end temporaly code ==

Private Sub x_memcpy(V_DestPtr as Any Ptr, V_SrcPtr as Any Ptr, V_Size as UInteger)
    push    ebp
    mov     ebp, esp
    push    ecx
    push    edx
    push    edi
    push    esi
    mov     esi, [V_SrcPtr]
    mov     edi, [V_DestPtr]
    mov     ecx, [V_Size]
    mov     edx, ecx
    and     ecx, &HFFFFFFFC
    shr     ecx, 2
    rep     movsd
    mov     ecx, edx
    and     ecx, 3
    rep     movsb
    pop     esi
    pop     edi
    pop     edx
    pop     ecx
    mov     esp, ebp
    pop     ebp
End Asm
End Sub

Private Sub _memcpy(V_DestPtr as Any Ptr, V_SrcPtr as Any Ptr, V_Size as UInteger)
Dim DPtr as UByte Ptr = Cast(UByte Ptr, V_DestPtr)
Dim SPtr as UByte Ptr = Cast(UByte Ptr, V_SrcPtr)
For X as UInteger = 1 to V_Size
    *DPtr = *SPtr
    DPtr += 1
    SPtr += 1
End Sub

Private Sub _memset(V_DestPtr as Any Ptr, V_Value as UByte, V_Size as UInteger)
Dim DPtr as UByte Ptr = Cast(UByte Ptr, V_DestPtr)
For X as UInteger = 1 to V_Size
    *DPtr = V_Value
    DPtr += 1
End Sub