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Windows System Programming
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Datum/Zeit:25.05.2016 07:43:24

'definitely inspired by D.J.Peters'>>Multiput version 1<<
'original code at: http://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=19303
type RotPoint
  x as single
  y as single
end type

sub RotPut(Src_Img as any ptr,posx as integer,posy as integer, pivotx as integer=0, pivoty as integer=0, radian as single)
  'posx,posy      Position,es gilt Koordinatensystem Screen
  'pivotx,pivoty  Drehpunkt als Offset von Pixel(0,0) links oben, es gilt Koordinatensystem Screen
  dim as RotPoint Points(10)                        'Punkte und Vektoren
  dim as any ptr Dest_Img                           'Ziel

  dim as Image ptr Src_Header,Dest_Header           'Zeiger um an die Daten im ImageHeader zu kommen
  dim as integer Src_ImgWidth,Src_ImgHeight,Dest_ImgWidth,Dest_ImgHeight
  'dim as integer Src_ImgPitch,Src_ImgBPP,Dest_ImgPitch,Dest_ImgBPP
  dim as integer ptr Src_pixaddr,Dest_pixaddr       'Pixeladressen

  dim as integer Top,Bottom                         'Indizes für höchste und tiefste Punkt der Quelle

  dim as integer Dest_Topx,Dest_Bottomx             'x Koordinaten des höchsten/tiefsten Punktes in Quelle/Ziel
  dim as single Src_Stepx,Src_Stepy,Dest_Stepx      'Scan Offsets Quelle und Ziel
  dim as integer Src_PixelPosx,Src_PixelPosy,Dest_PrePixelPosx,Dest_PixelPosx,Dest_PixelPosy
  dim as single  x,y,xx,yy                          'allgemeine Hilfsvariablen
  dim as integer i,ii,k,kk
  dim as integer xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,pixelrun,exitrun


  'Eckpunkte Original positionieren
  'Pixel(0,0) im Koordinatenursprung

  'Eckpunkte drehen
  'Index des höchsten/tiefsten Eckpunktes ermitteln
  'Hilfsvariablen zur Positionierung und Größenermittlung Ziel berechnen
  for i as integer=0 to 3
    x= Points(i).x * cos(radian) - Points(i).y * sin(radian)
    y= Points(i).x * sin(radian) + Points(i).y * cos(radian)

    Points(ii).x= x
    Points(ii).y= y

    if Points(ii).y > Points(Top).y then
    elseif Points(ii).y = Points(Top).y then
      if Points(ii).x < Points(Top).x then Top=ii
    end if

    if Points(ii).y < Points(Bottom).y then
    elseif Points(ii).y = Points(Bottom).y then
      if Points(ii).x > Points(Bottom).x then Bottom=ii
    end if

    if x<xmin then  xmin=x
    if x>xmax then  xmax=x
    if y<ymin then  ymin=y
    if y>ymax then  ymax=y
  next i

  'PUT-Position linke obere Ecke des Ziels

 'Offset für Points(8) berechnen, falls Drehpunkt nicht Pixel(0,0) sein soll
  Points(9).x= pivotx - (pivotx * cos(radian) - (-pivoty) * sin(radian))
  Points(9).y= -pivoty - (pivotx * sin(radian) + (-pivoty) * cos(radian))

  'Größe Ziel

  'Startkoordinate oberster Punkt im Ziel
  'Scan Offsets X Koordinate Quelle und Ziel
  Dest_Topx=Points(Top).x - xmin
  Dest_Bottomx=Points(Bottom).x - xmin
  Dest_Stepx=(Dest_Bottomx - Dest_Topx) / (Dest_ImgHeight - 1)
  'Indizes auf die ungedrehten Koordinaten des höchsten/tiefsten Punktes der Quelle stellen
  Top -=4
  Src_Stepx=(Points(Bottom).x - Points(Top).x) / (Dest_ImgHeight - 1)
  Src_Stepy=(Points(Bottom).y - Points(Top).y) / (Dest_ImgHeight - 1)

  'ZeilenScanvektor Richtung links >> rechts, Länge 1(Pixel)
  'Vektor drehen
  x= Points(10).x * cos(-radian) - Points(10).y * sin(-radian)'
  y= Points(10).x * sin(-radian) + Points(10).y * cos(-radian)
  Points(10).x= x
  Points(10).y= y

  if Dest_Img then

    for k=0 to Dest_ImgHeight-1
        Dest_PrePixelPosx=Dest_Topx + k*Dest_Stepx
        'Scan nach rechts
          Src_PixelPosx=Points(Top).x + k*Src_Stepx + pixelrun*Points(10).x
          Src_PixelPosy=Points(Top).y + k*Src_Stepy + pixelrun*Points(10).y
          Dest_PixelPosx=Dest_PrePixelPosx + pixelrun

          if (Src_PixelPosx>=0) and (Src_PixelPosx<Src_ImgWidth) and (Src_PixelPosy<=0) and (Src_PixelPosy>-Src_ImgHeight) then
            Src_pixaddr=(Src_Img + 32 + (-Src_PixelPosy * Src_Header->pitch) + (Src_PixelPosx * Src_Header->bpp))
            Dest_pixaddr=(Dest_Img + 32 + (Dest_PixelPosy * Dest_Header->pitch) + (Dest_PixelPosx * Dest_Header->bpp))
          end if
          pixelrun +=1
        loop until exitrun
    next k

    put (posx + Points(8).x + Points(9).x,posy - Points(8).y - Points(9).y),Dest_Img,trans
    imagedestroy Dest_Img
  end if

end sub