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Gadget_String.bas mit LimitMode 6

Datum/Zeit:12.08.2023 14:51:40

#include once "Gadget_Edit_Display.bas"

namespace sGUI

declare function AddStringGadget(win as sGUIWindow ptr,PosX as integer,PosY as integer,GadWidth as integer,MaxChars as integer=0 ,CharLimitation as integer=0,ShowEnd as integer=0,Focus as integer=0, Mode as integer=0) as Gadget ptr
declare function STG_Actions(gad as Gadget ptr,action as integer) as integer
declare sub STG_Update(gad as Gadget ptr)

declare sub SetString (gad as Gadget ptr,Text as string)
declare function GetString (gad as Gadget ptr) as string
declare sub ScrollToAnEnd (gad as Gadget ptr)
declare sub SetAllowedChars (gad as Gadget ptr,ac as string)

declare function UserDefinedKeysCheck(gad as Gadget ptr, a as integer) as integer

type STG_Data
  TContainer                          as sGUIText ptr
    EditMode                      as integer
    CharsPerWidth       as integer
    RowsPerHeight               as integer
  MaxChars            as integer
  CharLimitation      as integer
  ShowEnd             as integer
  Focus               as integer
  TimeStamp           as double  
    edit                      as _Gadget ptr  
end type

function AddStringGadget(win as sGUIWindow ptr,PosX as integer,PosY as integer,GadWidth as integer,MaxChars as integer=0 ,CharLimitation as integer=0,ShowEnd as integer=0,Focus as integer=0, Mode as integer=0) as Gadget ptr
  dim as Gadget ptr gad,lbs,scb
  if win=0 then win=RootWindow
  gad=win->GadgetList->AppendNew (GadgetType)
  if gad then
    gad->GadHeight=GetFontHeight(1) + 2*LeastGap

    if gad->GadgetWindow then
      gad->xtd.stg.edit          =AddEditDisplay (gad->GadgetWindow,0,0,gad->GadWidth,gad->GadHeight,Mode+2)
    end if
    gad->xtd.TContainer  =gad->xtd.stg.edit->xtd.TContainer

    gad->xtd.stg.CharsPerWidth=int((GadWidth - 2*LeastGap)/GetFixedWidth)

    gad->DoAction   =@STG_Actions
    gad->DoUpdate   =@STG_Update
  end if
end function

function STG_Actions(gad as Gadget ptr,action as integer) as integer
  dim as Gadget ptr edit
  dim as sGUIText ptr TContainer
  dim as integer enable

  select case action

    case GADGET_KEYBOARD   'Keyboardauswertung
      'Pfeiltasten/Cursorbewegung in beiden Modi erlaubt
      if  EXTENDED then
        'Cursorbewegung mit Pfeiltasten
        if ASCCODE=75 then TContainer->CursorLeft
        if ASCCODE=77 then TContainer->CursorRight
        'added by MilkFreeze, modified by Muttonhead :D
        if ASCCODE=71 then TContainer->CursorKeyPos1
        if ASCCODE=79 then TContainer->CursorKeyEnd
      end if

      'Editieren nur im Mode 0 möglich
      if gad->xtd.stg.Mode=0 then

        if  EXTENDED then
          'DEL Windows
          #ifdef __fb_win32__
            if ASCCODE=83 then
            end if

          if ASCCODE=8 then
          end if

          'DEL Linux
          #ifdef __fb_linux__
            if ASCCODE=127 then
            end if

          if ASCCODE=13 then
            if gad->xtd.stg.Focus=1 then
            end if
          end if


          'Beschränkungen bei der Zeicheneingabe
          select case gad->xtd.stg.CharLimitation
            case 0'String
             'Linux chr(127) (Delete) ausschließen
              #ifdef __fb_linux__
                if ASCCODE>=32 and ASCCODE<>127 then enable=1

              #ifdef __fb_win32__
                if ASCCODE>=32 then enable=1

            case 1'Ganze Zahlen
              if ASCCODE>47 and ASCCODE<58 then enable=1

            case 2'Fließkomma
              if ASCCODE>47 and ASCCODE<58 then enable=1
              if (ASCCODE=46) and (TContainer->GetNumRows>0) then
                if instr(TContainer->GetRowContent(1),".")=0 then enable=1 'wenn . gedrückt und noch kein . im String ist
              end if

            case 3'binär
              if ASCCODE>47 and ASCCODE<50 then enable=1

            case 4'hexadezimal
              if ASCCODE>47 and ASCCODE<58 then enable=1
              if ASCCODE>64 and ASCCODE<71 then enable=1
              if ASCCODE>96 and ASCCODE<103 then enable=1

            case 5'IPAdressen  ;)
              if ASCCODE>47 and ASCCODE<58 then enable=1
              if ASCCODE>64 and ASCCODE<71 then enable=1
              if ASCCODE>96 and ASCCODE<103 then enable=1
              if ASCCODE=46 then enable=1

            case 6

          end select

          'if TContainer->GetNumRows then
            if (gad->xtd.stg.MaxChars>0) and (len(TContainer->GetRowContent(1))>=gad->xtd.stg.MaxChars) then enable=0

            'generelles Minus Override, es fehlt etwas an Eleganz :/
            if (ASCCODE=45) and (TContainer->GetCursorPosition=1) and (instr(TContainer->GetRowContent(1),"-")=0) then enable=1 'wenn - gedrückt und noch kein - im String ist
          'end if

          if enable then
          end if
        end if

      end if

    case GADGET_KEYBOARDOFF'Abbruch Keyboardauswertung

      if GADGETMESSAGE then
        select case GADGETMESSAGE
          case edit
        end select
      end if
  end select
end function

sub STG_Update(gad as Gadget ptr)
  if gad->xtd.stg.TimeStamp <> gad->xtd.TContainer->GetTimeStamp then
    gad->xtd.stg.TimeStamp = gad->xtd.TContainer->GetTimeStamp
  end if
end sub

sub SetString (gad as Gadget ptr,Text as string)
  'es könnten sogar schon 2 existieren durch SetAllowedChars()
  if gad->xtd.TContainer->GetNumRows=0 then gad->xtd.TContainer->AppendRow
end sub

function GetString (gad as Gadget ptr) as string
end function

sub ScrollToAnEnd (gad as Gadget ptr)
  if gad->xtd.stg.ShowEnd=1 then
    HScrollEditDisplay(gad->xtd.stg.edit,1)'erst Scrollfenster (virtuell) ganz nach links schieben
    'dadurch ist immer das Ende des Textes im StringGadget zu sehen
    'Da nun das "Cursorverfolgen" von links(Textanfang) erfolgt
  end if
end sub

sub SetAllowedChars (gad as Gadget ptr,ac as string)
  if gad->xtd.TContainer->GetNumRows<2 then
    loop until gad->xtd.TContainer->GetNumRows=2
  end if
end sub

function UserDefinedKeysCheck(gad as Gadget ptr, a as integer) as integer
  dim as integer offset,found,numchars
  dim as byte ptr AllowedChars
  dim as TextRow ptr row
  row=gad->xtd.TContainer->GetRowAddress(2)'Adresse Zeile 2 enthält den Zeichenlimiterstring, siehe SetAllowedChars()
  numchars=len(row->Text)'Anzahl der Zeichen
  if numchars then
    AllowedChars=strptr(row->Text)'Zeiger auf String, siehe TextRow UDT in sGUIText.bi
      if AllowedChars[offset]=a then found=1
      offset +=1
    loop until (found=1) or (offset>=numchars)
  end if
end function

end namespace